查文庫>朋友> 初二英語作文我的朋友




  I have a lot of friends, the most unforgettable is li bo, I ever since enrolled, he is to help me. He is a man for others, he has many advantages, such as helpful. I admire him very much. He is the star of health. He is not very high, the result is not very good, but he is very kind. And liang-yong huang, he is tall, mathematics is good, he go to my house to review every weekend. There will be k.wang, his most protect me. I like them very much. And my teacher she knows I like painting, she would bring me two large white paper, the weather turned cold when she saw how much I didn't wear clothes she was to call my mother. Clothes, let her give me at that time I was very moved, and two tears almost fell off.

  I am very grateful to them.