查文庫>優美句子> 總結總則的英文詞語及句子





  In this connection, it is worth noting some changes in the general provisions governing plan revisions.

  在這個聯絡中,值得注意的是有關計劃修正總則的變更。We can skip over the details and concentrate on the general issues.

  你可略過細節部分,而把精力集中在總則上。The law clearly stipulates in the General Provision that China has introduced a unified foreign trade system.

  該法在總則中明確規定中國實行統一的對外貿易制度。When in doubt, hold on to your altitude. No-one has ever collided with the sky.

  總則!沒有人一出生就會開飛機,一次次的失敗才能讓你一點點的掌握飛行這門技術,不要害怕失敗,藍天上必將留下你的`痕跡。 profile是什麼意思:

  n. 側面;剖面;人物簡介;外形;輪廓

  v. 為…作傳略

  This picture shows the girl in profile.

  這張照片照的是女孩的側面。This is the country health information profiles.

  這是國家健康資料檔案。Football is a high profile business.

  足球是一個引人注目的產業。 That was the performance overhead of the profiler.

  這就是分析器的效能開銷。Deleting a profile will remove the profile from your Communicator login and cannot be undone.
