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Study on air bag cushion of automotive air bag system Abstract: Airbag module and belt have already become the most important Passive Security Equipments in Vehicle. The airbags ystem protects the occupant by igniting the gas inflator, which can release gas and then deploy the airbag to separate the body from all the vehicle parts which could probably hurt occupant during a traffic accident. This article illuminates and concludes the importance, function, general technical requirements, materials and localization of the airbag cushion which performing the finally protection function to the occupant, to provide the relative engineers for reference.

Keywords: airbag module, airbag, fabric, sewing thread

安全氣囊系統是汽車上的被動安全性保護裝置,當汽車發生意外碰撞事故時,可盡最大可能減少汽車駕駛員 、乘員於方向盤、儀表盤和風窗玻璃之間的二次碰撞所造成的傷害。由於它在汽車碰撞事故中能更有效地保護乘員,減少傷亡,近20年來,在北美、歐洲、日本等工業發達國家得到迅速的發展和普及,現在的.新車上基本都安裝有安全氣囊,且安全氣囊已經成為絕大多數主流轎車的標準配件。它對駕駛員和乘員的頭部、頸部安全起著明顯的保護作用。特別是在汽車正面碰撞和前側碰撞時, 其保護作用尤為明顯, 而座椅安全帶對人體胸部以上的保護作用十分有限。安全統計結果表明, 汽車發生事故時,人體胸部以上受傷的機率高達75%以上。而在汽車發生碰撞時對乘員直接起保護作用的是安全氣囊中的氣袋,因此氣袋是汽車安全氣囊中至關重要的零部件之一。