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助人為樂英語作文 篇1

  Like seven color glass reflects the colorful sun, every one of us has different advantages. Some students talent wise, among the best learning; Some students practical and versatile; And I? I have a kind heart, because I am ready to help others. Remember one day a year ago, I came home from school, it is near dusk. Just as I was in a hurry hurry when, suddenly, I found in front of a white-haired, face wrinkled granny, huh? This is not the 13th floor Yang grandma? She labored to carrying a basket of vegetables, go very slow and difficult, and waist are about to bend down, and in her face with one another shower sweat. When I saw this scene, I'm very sympathetic to granny, and thought: "if help grandma carry food back to home day will be black to opaque; besides, I have a lot of homework to do tonight. But, if I didn't help, Yang grandma will be very hard, very tired, may be a few more steps will walk her." Finally, I decided to help grandma Yang.

  Regardless of the it's getting late, so I ran to the grandma's side, Yang said: "Yang grandma, how do you carry such heavy food, there are long distances before got home, let me help you with food!" Yang grandma after hearing, gentle and with a smile said to me: "jia jia, thank you, you are too kind. It was dark, you still go home, mom is waiting for you." "It doesn't matter, let me help you carry back!" So I hold the Yang grandma side, the side took the CaiKuang go up.

助人為樂英語作文 篇2

  Helping others has always been a virtue in traditional Chinese culture. But what’s strange nowadays is that people dare not show their helping hands to those in need. I would like to elaborate my views on this issue.

  Firstly, I think people’s moral sense has degraded. When egoism gains the upper hand, many people find it growingly hard to help others. Secondly, there is no denying that some tragic events turn out to be traps by people with evil intentions. So common people are becoming more risk-conscious and are more wary of traps and deceits.

  In general, I contend the idea that we should be warm-hearted and offer help as well as look out for potential hazards so as not to be deceived.





助人為樂英語作文 篇3

  The volunteer/A Kind Deed John is a very kind and generous boy.He likes to help other people who are in need.One day,his teacher,MiLee announced to the lathat there would be a trip to an old folk's home.MiLee asked for volunteers to help to clean the old folk's home.Many of John's classmates did not want to volunteer.They knew that it would be hard work and tiring cleaning the old folk's home.However,John raised his hand immediately.He did not mind the hard work as long as he can help the elderly people.On the day of the trip,John was excited and anxious.When he reached the old folk's home,he started cleaning the place.He helped to clean the washrooms,wash the windows and mop the floor.The teachers were amazed at John's hardworking and positve attitude he had.John's friends felt bad and followed his fine example and worked hard too.At the end of the day,the teachers praised their remarkable efforts and took them to a fast food restaurant for some refreshments.When John reached home,he was feeling very tired yet his happy for what he had done today.

  If you ask me how to make friends, I would say to know whether a person is good or not is the prerequisite. I think a person who will be a real friend shuold satisfy the following conditions.

  First, I don't like a person who likes to run down others, so this kind of person will never be my friend. Second, I think my friend shuold be an excellent person, and she/he is always ready to help others. Most importantly, a real friend should be sincere to me, and she/he is willing to share my happineas well as my sadness.

  The Two Boys Who Help an old Woman

  One day Dave and Ron were playing football. They played happily. Suddenly they saw an old woman carrying a heavy bag on the road. The bag was so heavy that the old woman could hardly carry it. Dave and Ron ran up to her and helped her carry it. They sent the old woman to her house. They were very tired after they had sent her back home, but they felt very happy.

助人為樂英語作文 篇4

  When passing the bus station on my way home. I found a little girl alone and crying.Absolutely she was lost and she was looking for her mother. So I went up to ask why.When I asked where her mother was, she just lookedat me, shook the head and still cry.Then I took her to the station block resting-room for a help.Anyone who lost the child, pls come to our resting-room will soon hear again and again over the lost speaker.A few munites later, a worried mother came, the girl ran to her mother happily.The mother was very thankful to me and asked my name.I told her that I am a league member and it was just what I should do.Today is really a special day.

  幫助一個走失的女孩。 我回家的路上都會遇到一個公交車站。我發現有個小女孩一人在那裡哭泣。她走丟了,她在找自己的媽媽。我上前去問為什麼。當我問她媽媽在哪時,她只是看著我,搖著頭哭泣著。之後我把她送到了公交車的廣播室。廣播一遍一遍地重複著:誰走失了孩子,請速到休息室。幾分鐘後,一個焦急的媽媽趕到,小女孩高興地跑到她的面前。她的媽媽非常感激我,並詢問我的`名字。我告訴她我是少先隊員,並說這是我應該做的。多麼特殊的一天啊。

助人為樂英語作文 篇5

  It is a kind of moral behavior and moral feeling that the honest and good people have a sense of moral obligation and take the initiative to give others unselfish help and feel happy and happy from them. The ancient sages of our country have a lot of life motto about helping people and being beautiful, such as "the slowest and the beautiful", "the precious man is cheap, the first man then", "the urgency of the man" is more than the private. Two thousand years ago, Mo-tse advocated: "the fervor, to benefit the world." It means that things that are good for others, even from top to bottom, are also damaged. This spirit has been developing to the present age, which is the spirit of "no harm has been done and dedicated to profit" advocated by us.


助人為樂英語作文 篇6

  My classmate Wei Huagot a high feverlast week. He had to be in hospital.

  Yesterday was Saturday. My classmates and I went to see him together. We met at the school gate at 9 :00 in the morning. Then wewent to the hospital by bus. I thought we should get him some flowers, because fresh and beautiful flowers couldmakehimfeel good and happy.What’s more, Wei Huawasworriedabouthis study. So I brought him my notebooks andtried my best toanswer his questions. I hope Wei Hua can be better soon.

  If you light a lamp for somebody, it will also brighten your path. So,take action tohelp others, because it willnot onlymake you happybutalsobring you others’help.

助人為樂英語作文 篇7

  Last Saturday, some of my classmates and I went to the Qiandao lake for some refreshment. Suddenly I noticed an old dustman collecting rubbish thrown about by the visitors.

  He was apparently having great difficulty collecting some small items, especially cigarette butts. An idea struck me. Why not help him collect litter?

  Much to my joy, all my classmates agreed and were willing to help. So we worked hard together with the dustman and collected lots of rubbish. Then we parted and waved farewell to the thankful dustman. Dog-tired as I was, I felt really happy.

  As the saying goes, helping hands are more sacred than praying lips. I truly believe we’d have a more harmonious society if everybody took action. What a fine deed!