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  head boss



  The Pope is the head of the Roman Catholic Church.

  教皇是羅馬天主教的首領。I only want to talk with your chieftain.

  我只跟你們的首領談話。The domination of a political organization by a boss.

  領袖控制首領對政治組織的控制The guards are sadistic beasts and their leader is the devil incarnate.

  那些警衛都是殘暴的野獸,他們的首領是個魔鬼的化身。Then, Sir Orlando, in another long speech, laid bare his bosom to the chief whom he was leaving…

  然後,奧蘭多爵士又說了大篇話,向即將分道揚鑣的首領袒露了心扉…--'Ah, I understand,' said the lieutenant; 'and you seek admittance into our ranks?'

  ‘啊,我懂啦,’副首領說道,‘你要求加入我們的一夥是嗎?An elephant family is led by a matriarch, with the matriarch being the oldest and most experienced of the herd.

  大象的家族首領由一頭母象擔任, 她是象群內最年長和最有經驗的母象。 An elephant family is led by a matriarch, with the matriarch being the oldest and most experienced of the herd

  大象的家族首領由一頭母象擔任,她是象群內最年長和最有經驗的母象。Aboriginal chiefs

  原始土著人首領The chief inclined his head in sign of acquiescence.


  n. 頭,頭部;頭痛;理解力;首腦,首長

  v. 作為…的首領;站在…的前頭;給…加標題;出發;前進;駛往;用頭頂

  adj. 頭的;在前頭的;在頂端的;主要的;首要的`

  Heads will roll

  a head of a gang; a ringleader; a chieftain; the head of a group; a cock

  頭目 They hit their heads together when heading the ball.


  n. 老闆,上司

  v. 指揮;對某人發號施令

  adj. 很好的

  You'll have to get in touch with the boss.

  你必須同經理聯絡。 They are tired of their raw treatment by their boss.

  他們受到老闆的不公正待遇,對此實在無法忍受了。The boss treats everyone alike.


  n. 首領;酋長;族長

  adj. 為首的;主要的,首要的

  He is nominated as police chief.

  他被任命為警察局局長。 He is the chief support of the cause.

  他是這一事業的主要支持者。That money was their chief motivation.
