查文庫>其他類英語作文> 初中英語作文:我最愛的人The Person I Love The Most

初中英語作文:我最愛的人The Person I Love The Mo

初中英語作文:我最愛的人The Person I Love The Most

  無論是在學校還是在社會中,大家都嘗試過寫作文吧,透過作文可以把我們那些零零散散的思想,聚集在一塊。你所見過的作文是什麼樣的呢?以下是小編為大家整理的初中英語作文:我最愛的`人The Person I Love The Most,希望對大家有所幫助。

  My elder sister is the person I love the most. She is two years older than me. We grow up together, play together and share the same room. In fact, we share all the things. I would dress her clothes and she would wear my shoes. I would tell her all my secret, so does her. She will help me with my homework. No matter what I do, she will stands behind me. Sometimes she even fight for me. She is the one who knows me the best. I love her more than anyone.
