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《Section B 2a-2c》教案

《Section B 2a-2c》教案

  作為一名優秀的教育工作者,很有必要精心設計一份教案,透過教案准備可以更好地根據具體情況對教學程序做適當的必要的調整。那麼寫教案需要注意哪些問題呢?以下是小編為大家收集的《Section B 2a-2c》教案,希望對大家有所幫助。




  3.3 能夠複述所學內容並發表自己的觀點從而形成正確的價值觀.







  1. 掌握重點詞彙及短語;如:cross, river, many, village , between, between...and..., bridge, boat, ropeway afraid, like, villager, leave, dream, come true,between...and..., go on a ropeway to cross the river, run too quickly, for many students, one 11-year-old boy, be afraid, be like, many of the students, like this。 2. 透過讀寫,學生理解文章及能用英文資訊回答問題,完成任務型讀寫,能提高綜合運用所學知識的能力。 3. 談論交通方式並熟練運用。







  任務1.Check preview results 英漢互譯

  滑索道 實現

  一個11歲的男孩 像父親一樣對待某人


  between…and… walk or ride a bike

  go by bus or by train for many students

  run too quickly leave the village

  任務2 lead in :How do you get to school?

  任務3:Pre -reading:

  1.Look at these pictures.Guess what they are doing.

  ?.Who are they?

  ?.They’re going to school on a ropeway. Do you think it is easy for them?

  ?.Why is it so difficult for them to get to school?

  While- reading:


  任務1 Scanning (Pair-work)and play games.

  任務2 Read the passage carefully and anwser the question.

  1.How do the students in the village go to school?

  2.Why it is so difficult for them to go to school?

  3.Does the boy like his school? Why?

  4.Do you think the villagers’ dream will come true?Why or why not?


  While- reading:


  Choose the main idea of each paragraph.


  Paragraph Students go no a ropeway to cross the river to school.

  Paragraph Liangliang crosses the river every school day.

  Paragraph It is the villages' dream to have a bridge.

  任務2 Scanning (Pair-work)

  Choose the proper title according to the content of the article.

  A.How to get to school

  B.Crossing the River to School

  C.Going to School Is


  任務1 Draw a picture to express the main content of each pragraph and then act it out.

  任務2 Disscusion

  1 What can you learn from the passage?

  2 What advice will you give the boy to make it easier to get knowlege?

  Think about it.


  Let's write a letter to give Liangliang some advice

  Dear xx,

  I am…I know that it's difficult for you to get to school…











  Post -reading:


  I. 用方框中所給單詞的適當形式完成短文

  Alice is 13 years old. She is a middle school student. She lives 21.________ from her school. So she always takes the 22.________ to school from Monday to Friday. It takes 23.________ about twenty 24.________ to get to school. On the way, she likes watching people or reading books. On weekends, she usually visits her friends 25.________ bus. She thinks it's relaxing. Then she will take the bus to come back home.

  II. 閱讀理解

  My name is James. I am in Grade 7. Many students in our school go to school by bike. I am one of them, too. I think it is healthy and it is a kind of exercise.

  One day, I am on my way home. It is not fine, so I want to go home early. I listen to music and don't watch a car. Then it hits(撞) me. Luckily, the driver and I are fine. After that, I don't ride for a long time. And I learn some things about riding safely(安全地). Wear(穿) right clothes and shoes to ride a bike.

  To ride safely, we can wear red or yellow but not black clothes at night, in the early morning or in bad weather(天氣). We need to wear trousers but not a skirt. The shoes can be sports shoes. Don't listen to music when riding a bike.

  It is really fun to go to school by bike, but please ride safely.

  ( )16.James goes to school ________.

  A.by bike B.by car C.by bus D.by subway

  ( )17.The underlined word “Luckily” means “________” in Chinese.

  A.幸運地 B.不幸地 C.可怕地 D.糟糕地

  ( )18.If you want to ride safely, you'd better(最好) ________.

  ①wear black clothes ②ride in good weather ③wear sports shoes ④listen to music when riding

  A.①② B.②③ C.③④ D.①④

  ( )19.What is the main idea of the third paragraph(第三段的主旨大意)?

  A.How to go to school. B.What to do after class.

  C.How to ride a bike safely. D.Why not ride a bike home.

  ( )20.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

  A.James is in Grade Eight. B.Riding a bike is a kind of exercise.

  C.A bike hits James on his way home. D.After the accident James never rides to school