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父親節作文英語作文 篇一

Today is father's day, I intend to make a happy father's Day Father's day, but I do not know how to do, so, this issue I did not want to come out in the evening.

Dinner, my father seemed to see my thoughts, so I said: "today is father's day, you help me to buy a bottle of wine," I said: "good ah!" my father gave me five dollars, I ran down the stairs, buy a bottle of wine, however, after buying the beer, I struck, temporary bought the cards and wrote in the father's Day wishes.

After returning home, his father asked how could I have been so long, I said: "Dad, happy father's Day!" then the card to the father, my father saw the father's Day cards, very happy, praised me a good boy, said it took him a happy father's day today, I heard my father say so, I also very happy.




父親節作文英語作文 篇二

He run day and night, in order to let you eat enough to wear warm. He frugally, in order to let you go abroad. To do the job, he will be patient counseling, but also to help you check. When writing a composition, he will explain the method and skill of writing carefully. When you make a mistake, Dad sometimes criticize you, if angry will hit you. We all know: it is playing in the child, the pain in his father's heart. But you should know: you are like a small tree, if you are crooked, and your father is like a rope, tied you up. If not the trees grow long branches (as we were bad dad) is like a pair of scissors, cut it.

On this father's day, we all should say to his father, "Daddy, I love you forever!"



父親節作文英語作文 篇三

Today is father's day, in the comfortable father's holiday, we should father's day of Thanksgiving, thanks to his father to bring our father.

Fatherly love is what is that like honey so delicious and fragrant peanut you sweet, like citric acid things?? no, a kind of thing not to touch that can bring warmth to people.

His life down for our busy busy East West, busy busy next, we grew so big that fathers should by a lot of bitter and the rest. Facing the father like a mountain of love, how to face the children's father's day, is to thank the father of the best festival.

今天是父親節,在這個舒服父親的節日裡,我們應該感恩父親節 ,感謝父親帶給我們的父愛。

