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Asking for Marketing詢問銷售

Question: What is your opinion about our marketing? 關於我們的營銷你的觀點是什麼?

1. I think the efficient marketing channel is the key.我認為高效的`營銷渠道是關鍵。

★efficient 是“效率高的”。

2. I agree that the high quality is important to the success of export.


3. Innovation is the key factor for enterprise's success in marketing competition. 創新是企業贏得市場競爭的關鍵。


4. It is high time you changed your sales approach. 你應該改變營銷策略了。

★sales approach是“營銷策略”。

5. You should meet the customers' current demands. 你們應該滿足顧客目前的需求。

6. You should make a great effort to attract the customers. 你們應該盡力吸引顧客眼球。


1. marketing n.銷售;

I want to value the function of marketing in the management process.我想評價下營銷在管理過程中的作用。

2. channel n.渠道;

Do you know the best channel to learn English? 你知道學習英語最好的渠道嗎?

3. quality n.質量;

We must make sure whether the quality of the products is good or not.我們必須弄清楚產品的質量是好還是壞。

4. competition n.競爭;