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Just because of the reasons of the Gentiles, we have blinded us to make us not aware of the true meaning and the origin of Valentine's day.

Now I'll introduce the history of Valentine's day. In the west, February 14th is the celebration of Valentine's day. On this day, people send cards and gifts to the loved ones to show their love.

However, in western countries, gifts and celebrations are not limited to lovers, but also to parents, brothers and sisters, friends, teachers and colleagues. Chocolate can be sent to express gratitude.

The origin of Valentine's day can be traced back to 270 A. D.

We all know that Rome is a Christian empire against the country, many Christians are persecuted in Rome at the time of the Rome Empire, the Emperor Claudius II, prohibited the marriage of soldiers. However, a Christian named Van Len Tans was very opposed to the ban of the emperor of Rome. He not only refused to accept those religions in Rome, but also refused to worship the temples and temples in Rome. And, he was very advocating the young men and women to marry the family, so he held a secret wedding for the unmarried men and women. Therefore, he offended the emperor of Rome command, was arrested and later in the day on February 14th, was beheaded.

Years later, Constantin reunited the Empire of Rome and self-respect for the emperor. And he used all kinds of ways to let people believe in Christ and make Christianity a national religion in Rome. From the beginning, from Rome to become Christian countries, people began to commemorate the marriage, in order to Christian martyr. In the year February 14th as a memorial day to commemorate him.

Slowly, February 14th is called Valentine's Day!

This is the origin of Valentine's day.