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2)短語提示:drive home at about 30 kilometers an hour;it was dark;a small girl chased a dog;not hit her but hit a car in the other direction3)寫出作者對此交通意外的感想。


Last night I was driving home from work. I had an accident. I was following behind a truck, driving at about 30 kilometers an hour. I was watching the traffic carefully because it was getting dark.

Suddenly a small girl ran onto the road from the left. She was chasing a dog and she wasnt paying any attention to the traffic. I immediately applied the brakes and turned the steering wheel quickly to the right.

The girl jumped towards the side of the road as soon as she saw my car. Fortunately I did not hit her, but I hit a car coming in the other direction. Luckily I was not driving very fast so the damage was not serious. It is better to damage a car than to injure a young child, I thought to myself.

B: 以第一人稱寫一篇記敘文,講述在旅行中經歷的一件小事。


Go on a Mediterranean Journey

My wife and I have always enjoyed traveling by sea,and last year we decided to go on a Mediterranean journey. Although our holiday was rather expensive we thought that the high standard of accommodation, the first-class food and the many interesting places we saw were well worth the price we paid.