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Kasparov:Chess Computers Beatable…For Now

Humans will continue to beat computers for years.but the machines are 1ikely to dominate in matches played over several games,according to the world’s top chess player.

“We will not see a machine replacing a human being in our lifetime.Man will be able to beat a computer in at least one game for a very long time,”Kasparov told a press conference in Moscow a week after settling for a draw in a six.game match with the computer Deep Junior in New York.But while human intuition can provide an advantage in individual games.“Man will never be able to play 8 or 10 games in a row to an equal level,”Kasparov said.He gradually declines for a variety of external factors:the weather,a headache,family strains or whatever.”

In his Man vs.Machine contest in the United States,Kasparov won the first game,but lost the third after committing a mid—game blunder.He then adopted a safety—first strategy, and in the sixth game passed up a chance to win by accepting a draw in a position some analysts said was favourable.

Kasparov—watchers believe he was determined above all not to lose to Deep Junior because he was still smarting from a defeat to another computer, Deep Blue.in 1997.That 10ss clearly rankled Kasparov, and he said at the time that the computer had been receiving assistance from its human operators.

The Russian,who has reigned undisputedly as the world’s top player since 1985,said he was“satisfied overall”with his result against Deep Junior.although“if I’d been in better shape and had more time to prepare the result might have been different.”He stressed the importance of psychology in chess between one human player and another, and described the “psychological discomfort”involved in adapting to a confrontation with a machine.In chess with humans. “you’re always attempting to impose your decisions on the personality of your rival.A game is always an exchange of errors,of imprecision.It’s psychology.There’s never complete exactitude or purity in a game of chess,”he said.“But playing against a machine,beyond a certain point,to win or even to save the game you have to play will absolute exactitude.which is not a human quality.Knowing this specificity of your rival creates a psychological discomfort which is very difficult to overcome.”

Kasparov was at pains to stress that his l 997 defeat was an aberration:“The main thing was to show that what happened then had nothing to do with the fight between man and machine.Any impartial specialist can see that Deep Junior is much stronger than Deep Blue.The real battle begins now.”


1.According to Kasparov,

A)humans can beat computers in individual games.

B)computers will never take the place of human beings in games.

C)human beings can never beat computers in individual or series games

D)human intuition plays an important role in games.

2.In the contest with Deep Junior in the United States,Kasparov

A)lost the game.

B)won the game.

C)settled for a draw.

D)left the game unfinished.

3.Which of the following statements is true about Kasparov’S contest with Deep Blue in 19977

A)He made up h


is mind to win Deep Blue.

B)He was smart enough to have beaten Deep Blue.

C)Deep Blue received human assistance.

D)Kasparov was unwilling to admit his defeat by Deep Blue.

4.According to Kasparov, a human VS machine chess game may involve all the following qualities EXCEPT that

A)it involves psychological discomfort in the mind of the human player.

B) it demands the human player of absolute exactitude.

C)it creates an exchange of errors between man and machine.

D)it is difficult to overcome psychological discomfort.

5.Kasparov’s remarks on his 1997 defeat imply that

A) man was no match to computer in intelligence.

B)Deep Blue was unbeatable.

C)Deep Blue also made blunders.

D)if he had made no blunders,he should have beaten Deep Blue.


Air Pollution Cloud Measured on Both Sides of Pacific

Scientists watched closely last spring as a haze of pollution, which had been tracked by satellite as it crossed the Pacific Ocean,settled over a large swath of North America from Calgary, Canada,into Arizona.Now it appears that,for the first time, researchers on both sides of the Pacific took detailed measurements of the same plume,a cloud that contained Gobi desert dust as well as hydrocarbons from industrial pollution.

Heather Price,a University of Washington doctoral student in chemistry, found that the amount of light reflected by the particles in the air was more than 550 percent greater than normal for that time of year.The mass of Asian air contained elevated levels of all pollutants measured.

Price said,“but the only thing that came close to being alarming was the level of particulate Matter.”

The haze that settled across the western part of the country was widely reported by the news media,and it was measured as far inland as the ski slopes of Aspen, Colo.

Readings on the western side of the Pacific came from the Aerosol Characterization Experiments, a project aimed at understanding how particles in the atmosphere affect Earth’s climate. Additional measurements were taken in the same region at the same time under a project sponsored by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration.

Knowing the pollution was approaching Washington state,Price loaded sensing equipment aboard a rented Beechcraft on April 1 4 and flew to Neah Bay on the state’s Northwest coast.Taking samples at various levels from 15,000 feet to 20,000 feet in altitude,she monitored

quantities of dust,ozone,carbon monoxide and hydrocarbons.“From my copilot’s seat.the dust

was thick enough to see with the naked eye.”Price said.

Now she’s trying to correlate her findings with those of the two research teams operating on the other side of the Pacific,where at one point the pollution plume was larger than Japan.The huge size of the cloud showed up clearly in satellite images that gave Price plenty of warning


the haze was on its way.“You can see these two blobs coming out of the deserts of Mongolia and growing over Asia,then getting swept out over the ocean and finally setting over North America,”

she said. She intends to continue measuring air samples off the Washington coast and will be looking for air masses with evidence of pollution originating somewhere other than Asia. “We’d

like to see if we can get a signature of pollution coming from Europe because computer models suggest that European sources also can be transported across the Pacific,” she said.“However, we

expect that sources in Europe will contribute less than Asian sources.”


1.The haze of pollution mentioned in the first paragraph is a cloud

A) of moisture over Calgary, Canada.

B) developing over Pacific Ocean.

C) of industrial pollutants.

D) of desert dust and hydrocarbons.

2.One of the Prices’S findings (Paragraph 2)about the particles of the air is that

A) they contain more pollutants than normal particles.

B) they move much faster in high altitudes than in low altitudes.

C) they are finer and lighter than normal particles.

D) their ability to reflect light is much than stronger.

3.What did Price not do during her research?

A) She rented a Beechcraft.

B) She used her sensing equipment aboard the Beechcrah.

C) She collected samples of pollutants on the Northwest coast for further tests.

D) She tested quantities of chemicals in the air.

4.According to the last paragraph,which of the following statements about the two research

teams is true?

A) The two research teams whose findings Price correlates hers with are based in Asia.


B) Price corrects some inaccurate data provided by the two teams operating in Asia.

C) Price is working with the two research teams in Japan.

D) The two teams in Asia volunteer to correlate their findings with Price’s.

5.Which of the statements is closest in meaning to the sentence“…,we expect that sources in

Europe will contribute less than Asian sources.”?

A) Pollution is expected to be less serious in Europe than in Asia.

B) Pollution is studied in more depth in Europe than in Asia.

C) Pollutants coming from Europe are not the main source of pollution in North America.

E) Pollutants coming from Europe are the main source of pollution in North America.

第五部分:補全短文(每題2分,共10分,建議在10分鐘以內完成 )



Robotic Highway Cones

A University of Nebraska professor has developed robotic cones and barrels.____1____ They can even be programmed to move on their own at any particular part of me day,said Shane Farritor, an assistant professor of mechanical engineering at Nebraska.

For example,if workers arrived at 6 a.m.,the cones could move from the side of the highway to block off the lane at that time.____2____ “It just seems like a very good application for robots,”Farritor said.“The robotic cones would also help remove people from hazardous jobs on the highway putting barrels and cones into place,”Farritor said in a report on his creation.

____3____ This fund allowed Farritor to work on the project with graduate students at Nebraska and his assistant Steve Goddard.

The robots are placed at the bottom of the cones and barrels and are small enough not to greatly change the appearance of the construction aides.“It would look exactly the same,”Farritor said.“Normally there’s a kind of rubbery, black base to them.____4____”

Farritor has talked with Officials from the Nebraska Department of Roads about how the robots would be most useful to what they might need.

The robots could come in handy following a slow.moving maintenance operation,like painting a stripe on a road or moving asphalt,where now the barrels have to be picked up and moved as the operation proceeds.“That way you don’t have to block off a 10-mile strip for the operation,”Farritor said.

While prototypes have been made.they are not in use anywhere.Farritor said he has applied for a patent and is considering what to do next.____5____He is also thinking about marketing the robots to roads departments and others across the country wh07 may benefit from them.












A.And they can return to the original place at the end of the day.

B.He is thinking about starting a small business.

C.Farritor was“Inventor of the Year”in 2003.

D.Work on the idea began in 2002 using a National Academy of Sciences grant.

E.We replace that with a robot.

F.These robotic cones and barrels can move out of the way,or into place,from computer commands made miles away.

第6部分:完型填空 (建議在15鍾以內完成)


Making the Leap

Jumps play a big role in many styles of dancing.Generally, what makes a jump impressive is its hang time, the amount of time a dancer spends in the air.

The quest for greater hang time is a battle against gravity,the constant____1____pull of Earth,said Laws.To leave the ground at all。a dancer has to use leg muscles to create an upward push that is greater than Earth’s downward pull.But the final____2____of any jump depends on just one thing;the upward speed of the body just as the dancer leaves the ground.

Strengthening muscles so they can push harder is one obvious____3____to achieve higher jumps and increase hang time.But ballet dancers also use a simple trick to gain the illusion of staying in the air longer without actually doing so.

In a huge sideways jump called a grand jete, a____4____ballet dancer seems to float for an impossible length of time.Of course,a dancer can’t really hang in the air.The laws of physics decree that during any jump,a dancer’s center of gravity must follow a parabola.A parabola is the same____5____path a ball takes when you throw it into the air.So how do dancers make it look like they’re hanging in the air?

A dancer____6____the illusion of floating in the air by Lifting her legs and arms as she approaches the peak of the jump.The____7____of her body—her torso and her head—respond by sinking a bit.If her timing is just right,she’ll seem to float sideways,instead of rising and falling.The effect is not only beautiful;it____8____makes the jump seem bigger by“stretching out”the peak.

Of course,what goes up must come down.During a typical grand jete,a dancer’s center of gravity rises 2 feet____9____the ground.Pulled by gravity from such a height,the dancer’s body falls very fast—roughly 3.4 meters per second—by the time it reaches the floor.

As it falls,the body carries with it momentum.Momentum is the weight of the body multiplied by its____10____.The bigger the body is and the faster it falls,the greater its momentum.


The only way a dancer can stop dropping through the air is by stopping the body’s momentum,which requires an____11____force from the ground.Landing can be very jarring to a dancer and can____12____injuries.The dancer call ease the landing by bending her knees and letting her aims fall, but she also gets help from an unexpected source:the floor.Wooden dance floors are designed to act____13____shock absorbers.They are springy and can recoil as much as an inch under extreme pressure.That little bit of give makes a big____14____.Landing on a springy floor, the dancer undergoes a slower change in momentum than she would hitting a rigid floor.The give in the floor allows the decrease in momentum to happen more____15____一with less force and less chance of injury.












1.A)parallelly B)upwardC)sidewaysD)downward


3.A)streetB)roadC)way D)path


5.A)smoothB)short C)curvedD)straight

6.A)changesB)usesC)inspects D)creates

7.A)forceB)movement C)pullD) rest

8.A)tooB)alsoC)yetD) SO

9.A)offB)out ofC)along D)onto

10.A)temperature B)speedC)moistureD)time



13.A)likeB)loveC)protect D)Cancel

l 4.A)sameness B)resemblance C)difference &nb


sp; D)nearness

15.A)gradually B)stronglyC)spontaneouslyD)incidentally




1 D. 2. B. 3 A。 4. B。 5. B。 6. C。 7. D。 8. D. 9. A. 10. D.

11. D. 12.A. 13. A。 14。 A。15。C



1. B. 2. A.3. C.4. C.5. B.6. A.7. C.

第3部分:概括大意與完成句子 (每題1分,共8分, 建議10分鐘以內完成)

閱讀下面這篇短文,短文後有2項測試任務:(1)1---4 題要求從所給的6個選項中為第2--5 段每段選擇1個正確的小標題;(2)第5--8題要求從所給的6個選項中選擇4個正確的選項,分別完成每個句子。請將答案塗在答題卡相應的位置上。

1. B。 2。 C。 3。 D。 4。 E。

5.A。 6。 B。 7。C。 8。 D。

第四部分:閱讀理解(每題3分,共45分, 建議40分鐘以內完成)


Inspecting a used car

1. C. C. A. 3. D. 4. D. 5. D

Kasporov: chess computers beatble..for now

1. A. 2. C. 3. D. 4. C. 5. D.

Air pollution cloud measured on both sides of pacific

1. D. 2. D. 3. C. 4. A. 5. C

第五部分:補全短文(每題2分,共10分,建議在10分鐘以內完成 )


1.F。 2。 A。 3。 D。 4。 E。 5。 B



1.D. 2.B 3.C 4.A. 5. C。 6.D. 7.D.8.B. 9.A. 10.B.

11.C. 12.D。 13.A. 14.C. 15.A