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  2. 職場健康





1、Diet cures more than doctors.自己飲食有節,勝過上門求醫.

2、An apple a day keeps the doctor away.每天一隻蘋果,疾病遠離我.

3、Leave off with an appetie.吃得七分飽,就該離餐桌.

4、Eat at pleasure,drink with measure.隨意吃飯,適度飲酒.

5、Eat to live,but not live to eat.吃飯是為了生存,但生存不是為了吃飯.

6、Radish and ginger keep away from doctor.冬吃蘿蔔夏吃薑,不勞醫生開藥方.

7、Some soup before dinner,healthy body forever.飯前喝口湯,永遠沒災殃.

8、Nofrolicing dering the meal,no running after the meal.吃飯不要鬧,吃飽不要跑.

9、A close mouth catches no flies.病從口入.

10、Wanna be healthy?Do please treat youself a nice breakfast.要想身體好,早餐要吃飽.


一、Diseases come on horseback, but steal away on foot.病來如山倒,病去士口抽絲。//疾病易患難愈。(生病容易但瘡愈困難)。

二、 Diseases of the sou I are more dangerous than those of the body.身體有恙好治,心病難醫。

三、 Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise.睡得早起得早,聰明富裕身體好。

四、 Eat at pleasure,drink with measure.隨意吃飯,適度飲酒。

五、 Eat well, drink in moderation, and sleep sound, in these three good health abound.吃得好,喝得節制,睡得安穩,乃健康之道。

六、 Exercise, temperance; fresh air, and needful rest are the best of all physicians,運動、節制、新鮮空氣和必要的休息是最好的`醫生。

七、 Feed a cold; starve a fever.著涼時要多吃,發燒時要少吃。

八、 Feed by measure and defy physician.飲食有節制,醫生無用處。

九、 Few lawyers die well, few physicians live well.律師少善終,醫生少健康。

十、 Fresh pork and new wine kill a man before his time,鮮肉力口新酒,催人早斷魂。

十一、 Fretting cares make gray hairs,憂慮使人早生華髮。

十二、 Good health is over wealth.健康是最大的財富。

十三、 He that goes to bed thirsty rises healthy.忍渴上床,起身健康。

十四、 He who never was sick dies the first, 從不生病的人往往一病致命。