查文庫>中考英語作文> 中考高分英語作文:為母校做一些有意義的事




  假設你是Li Ming, 你的筆友Lisa想了解在畢業之際,你將為母校做些什麼有意義的'事。從下表所列的五項內容中,至少選擇兩項,用英語給Lisa寫一封電子郵件。






  Hello Lisa,

  How is it going? It’s time for me to leave school. You ask me what I can do for my school.

  Li Ming


  Hello Lisa,

  How is it going? It’s time for me to leave school. You ask me what I can do for my school. Here are my plans that I would like to share with you. First of all, I will volunteer to do some cleaning with my classmates, such as cleaning the windows and sweeping the floors. To keep our school clean, we will ask our schoolmates not to litter at school. Also, I will give away my favorite books to the school library so that our younger schoolmates can read more good books. And I will call on more schoolmates to do so. It’s really hard for me to say goodbye. I wish my school to have a better future.

  Li Ming