查文庫>英語日記> ★英語日記帶翻譯




  Qingming Festival, three days off. My mother and I decided to go to Hexi for a walk.


  The air is fresh and the road is clean. Riverside, green trees into the grass, peach pink, clear river bottoms, beautiful scenery. Walking along the beach, I saw three uncles fishing. I asked my mother if we could fish. My mother said that we didn't have a fishing rod, so I had to play sandcastle.


  After a while, I felt bored. I picked up my mother's phone and called my brother to let him come and play with me. When my brother came, we began to play with slides and rope climbing. Soon, we were sweating.


  Time flies. It's time to go home. Today is really a happy holiday. I want to go to Hexi again.