查文庫>小學生作文> 英語作文:水是很重要的 Water Is Important

英語作文:水是很重要的 Water Is Important

英語作文:水是很重要的 Water Is Important

  在平日的學習、工作和生活裡,大家都不可避免地會接觸到作文吧,藉助作文可以提高我們的語言組織能力。為了讓您在寫作文時更加簡單方便,下面是小編為大家整理的英語作文:水是很重要的` Water Is Important,僅供參考,大家一起來看看吧。

  Water is very important to us. If there is no water, we will die. We can eat nothing for few days, but we must drink water every day. Besides, if there is no water, the plants will not grow, and the animals will not live. Therefore, there will no food for us. But the water has been severely polluted nowadays. Much water is not suitable for drinking. For our human beings and our planet, we must protect water. Without it, there would be no life any longer in earth.
