查文庫>其他類英語作文> 知道錯了英語作文





  On Monday, the math mid-term exam is coming. In the morning, my mother told me that we should read every question carefully, write every question carefully, and check the questions patiently. Strive for a better test. Listening to my mother's nagging, I said impatiently, "I know.".


  Carrying my schoolbag and humming, I raised my head and went to school. I think the math score is good. I didn't see the questions clearly when I took the exam, so I started to write. I handed it in without checking.

  中午吃飯前,教我們數學的陳老師叫我去她辦公室有事跟我說。我連蹦帶跳的走到老師辦公室。看到陳老師拿著剛批好的試卷給我看。我竟然不敢相信我的眼睛,我才考了88分。陳老師和藹問我問題出在什麼地方,老師指著4+2=8 76-16=6 23-7=6這麼簡單的計算題我都寫錯了。陳老師不厭其煩的跟我分析錯誤的原因。我慚愧的低著頭,不知道說什麼好。

  一個下午我都在想著晚上回家怎麼跟媽媽說。考得這麼差肯定要捱揍。我懷著不安的心回家了。 媽媽不在,我給媽媽寫個紙條,放在桌子上。“媽媽,對不起,今天考的不好,請您不要罵我,老師已經找我談過話了,我也很難過,都怪自己太錯心,我知道自己錯了”。


  When my mother came back to see the note I left her, she didn't scold me. She smiled and said to me, "it's good to know what's wrong. No matter what you do in the future, you should be careful and don't be proud.". In the evening, I also carefully corrected the wrong questions for me.


  This is the teacher and my mother's trust in me. Learning is my own business. I will study modestly in the future, and I can't be proud.