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  Damn Saturday is coming, you must be very strange, right? Don't worry, let me tell you slowly!


  That was last week. One day, the teacher sent us each a small note, which said that in order to prevent measles in children, let's go to the hospital for injection on Saturday. As soon as I heard of the injection, I was afraid and my heart was pounding. To be honest with you, I'm not afraid of anything but injection.


  At noon, my mother dragged me to the hospital. The hospital is very big and there are many people in it. I held my mother's hand tightly, the palm of it was sweating My mother seems to understand my mind. Who do I like best? I said, "I like hailib best.". What do you like about him? I did not hesitate to answer, of course, he is brave and strong. Can you do that? Mom then asked, "I can!" Suddenly, it seems that there is a kind of strength that makes me strong. I bravely go to the doctor


  Today, I am very happy, I am a brave little man!