查文庫>其他類英語作文> 高中英語作文:我想有一條尾巴




  I want to have a squirrel tail, furry, cute.If I have such a tail, I can climb the next to the little squirrel, pick the seeds, and the taste must be beautiful.I want to have a tail, I want to have a peacock tail, multicolored gold, beautiful.If I have such a tail, I can show my talents with Peacock, sing and dance together, and I feel so beautiful.I want to have a tail, I want to have a lion's tail, Wei Feng, the gods.If I have such a tail, I will become the king of the beast, unprepanded my thousands of people, in exchange for peace, and the image is certain.

  I want to have a tail, I want to have a triangle dragon's tail, thick, powerful.If I have such a tail, I sweep the world world, no longer have war and tear, all kinds of animals like a family, that life must be beautiful.I want to have a tail, I still want to have a ...