查文庫>句子> 感慨人生的英文句子




  1、 愛的.真諦與長相如何無關,而與相守、信任、興趣有關。Love has nothing to do with looks, but everything to do with time, trust, and interest.

  2、童心未泯也是件非常有趣的事。 Being an adult can be fun when you are acting like a child.

  3、歡聲笑語與傷心哀痛都是人生的重要組成部分。 Laughing, crying, joy and anger… All are a vital. All make us human.

  4、只有簡單而又堅定的頭腦才能發現生活的真諦。 The greatest truths in life are uncovered with simple, steady awareness.

  5、 貪婪終將葬送幸運。 Greed will bury even the lucky eventually.

  6、 壞事也會降臨到好人頭上。 Bad things do happen to good people.

  7、 只有在不會有人走你要走的路時,你才可以把它鋪平。 Paving your own road is intelligent only if nobody has gone exactly where you are going.

  8、 缺少知識就會產生不確定性。猶豫不決來自於一個人的恐懼。Uncertainty is caused by a lack of knowledge. Hesitation is the product of fear.

  9、 不論你有多悲傷,時間終能撫慰你的苦痛。www.mywenzhang.com Time heals all wounds… regardless of how you feel right now.

  10、 你總是覺得時間不夠用,但你有沒有珍惜眼前的每一分每一秒呢? Most of the time what you are looking for is right in front of you.

  11、 健康比什麼都重要。Your health is your life.

  12、 改變意味著機遇,所以當有變化發生時,你不可錯過這樣的機遇。 Chance is a gift, so act on chance when given the opportunity.

  13、 能讓你走得更高遠的便是友善與勤奮,而不是智力。 Kindness and hard work will take you further than intelligence.

  14、 每人都配擁有的是第二次機會,但不是第三次機會。 People deserve a second chance, but not a third.

  15、 不要忘了你的好朋友。唯美的句子 Marry your best friend.

  16、 多照些相留作紀念,以後會有用處的。 Take lots of pictures. Someday you’ll be really glad you did.

  17、 金錢確實能讓你的生活變得更安逸,但前提是你不會淪為金錢的奴隸。 Money makes life easier only when the money is yours free and clear.

  18、 粗心大意招致失敗。 Carelessness is the root of failure

  19、 你現在的所作所為將會變成你往後的回憶與談資。 Your actions now create memories you will reminisce and talk about in your elder years.

  20、 當你跨出自己的舒適區時,你會感到有些難以適從,但這只是暫時的。 Stepping outside of your comfort zone will put things into perspective from an angle you can’t grasp now.

  21、 動力轉瞬即逝,所以你要把握時間趁熱打鐵。 Motivation comes in short bursts. Act while it’s hot.

  22、 故意忽略一些顯而易見的東西 就如同向敵人投降。 Purposely ignoring the obvious is like walking backwards toward the enemy.

  23、 正視失敗,才能走向成功。 Taking ownership of failure builds the foundation for success.

  24、 你用於包裝自己的第一印象所花費的時間,其實有50%都是毫無意義的。 First impressions are completely worthless 50% of the time.

  25、 個人榮譽會永遠存留在你記憶裡。 Personal glory lasts forever.