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  Dear Mr. Arline,

  I would like to be considered as a candidate for the assistant computer programmer position advertised in the Philadelphia Inquirer on April 28, 20xx.

  I’m currently finishing my degree in Computer Science at Rowan University. I have taken every required computer course offered at Rowan and have a solid background in the following computer languages: C++, Visual Basic, Pascal, and COBOL. In addition to my computer background, I have supplemented my education with business and mathematics courses.

  My knowledge of computers and the business field goes beyond my formal classroom education. For the past two years I have worked part-time at Radio Shack, where I have gained experience in sales and inventory control. Also, on my own initiative, I designed a demonstration program for the Compaq Presario 5062 and developed promotional fliers about the program.

  In short, I believe I have the up-to-date computer background and professional drive needed to contribute to your organization. I have enclosed a copy of my resume to give you further details about my experience. Sometime next week, I’ll give a call to see whether I can come in for an interview at your convenience. I look forward to speaking with you then.

  Sincerely yours


  Today,I am writing to apply for the application engineer of your company,below i will give you some general information about myself.

  I graduated fromXXXuniversity in 20xx, and got a MBA degree,In my campus life, i have received the most excelent award three times,i have served in the colleague baskball team and as monitor for about two years.and in my spare time , i also love reading ,everyday even i am very busy,i will spare at least one hour to read my favoriate book.

  Through search ,and i know that your is a famous company with excelent management ,so if i have the opportunity to work in the company ,i believe that i will be able to full develop my abilities and obtain strong knowledge ,and the same time i will make valueable contribution to your company.

  So look forward your reply.

  Thank you,


  Dear Ms. Trivitts,

  I will be moving to Capitol City upon receiving my bachelor's degree in business administration from Duke University this June. A friend of mine, Polly Norton,advised me to contact you. She met you at the last meeting of the Women's Network and said your company was expanding and in need of a marketing manager. I have extensive experience in marketing for service-oriented companies, as you can see from my attached resume. I understand you need people who are both accurate and committed to achieving company goals. I enjoy detailed tasks and strive to excel in my work.

  I know Able Insurance is a leading player in regional insurance. I excelled in my coursework in insurance matters at Duke, and my thesis project centered on the insurance industry. I want to work for your company because of its good reputation in the community and its ability to offer excellent training and mobility. I hope to hear from you soon. You may contact me by calling (000) 555-1058.

  Sincerely yours,








  在學好專業課的同時,我嚴格要求自己多參加實踐活動,不斷提高自己的實際操作能力:20xx年-20xx年擔任安徽師範大學外國語學院學院助理,協助學院領導完成學生管理工作;20xx-2015學年我擔任外國語學院直屬團總支宣傳委員,參加了20xx年安徽師範大學暑期赴金寨縣小南京學校的義務支教活動;20xx-2015學年我任學生會主席,並在大一、大二學年分別擔任學工通訊部成員、副部長、副主席、學工通訊部部長,參與外國語學院畢業生晚會、迎新生晚會導演工作。我個人因此榮獲校級“優秀學生幹部” “優秀團幹”稱號。








