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話題英語作文600字 篇1

  小學的時候,我們便開始接觸英語了,可當時只是作為一門學科並不列入 考試的範圍內,所以當時我也就沒有太在意,每到上英語課的時候,我不是在寫作業就是在和同學竊竊私語。可是到了初中,就打不可同了。




話題英語作文600字 篇2

Dear Mike,

  Thank you very much for your concern. Last months several places in Beijing were blanketed with thick yellow fog. Everything around disappeared from our sight. Some highways were closed. Traffic jams were commonly seen in the streets. Many people, especially children and seniors, even found it difficult to breathe. As a result, local hospitals were crowded with people who had problems with their noses and lungs. Part of the cause was the dry weather, but the severely damaged environment contributed a lot to this nightmare. Personally I didn’t get any health problems in the haze because I stayed mostly indoors. But to make a significant change we really have to do more to protect our environment. To live a better life we have to push on with the economy, but it wound be meaningless if we have to achieve it at the cost of our breathing air. Regards!


Li Hua

話題英語作文600字 篇3

  Dear Jim,

  I’m very glad that you’ll come to visit China. You asked me about the weather in China. There are four seasons– spring, summer, autumn and winter. Summer is the hottest season of the year. It often rains. And winter is the coldest. Sometimes it snows, especially in the north of China. If you like snow, you can come to China at this time of year. But I think the best time to visit China is in spring or autumn because it is neither too hot nor too cold. It is very pleasant to visit many places of interest in China, such as the Great Wall, the West Lake, Mount Yellow and so on. I believe you will enjoy yourself in China. I can’t wait to see you.

  Best wishes!

  Yours truly,








話題英語作文600字 篇4


  I like Yao Ming very much who is the idol I like most. I like playing basketball and in my opinion, he is the best basketball player in China. When he started to play basketball in NBA, I was so excited that I saw the news about him everyday. When he performed well, I was really happy for him. When he did not, I hoped he could rearrange himself and did well in the next game. What’s more, his personalities attract me as well. He is kind-hearted and humorous. He always smiles and is kind to very body, even his opponents. Although he does not play basketball anymore, I still like him. I hope he can do well in other fields as well.


話題英語作文600字 篇5

  Plant Trees

  It was breezy yesterday and the weather was comfortable. My class teacher led our students go to plant trees near the suburbs. We took a bus there and then we started to work. We first weeded the grass together. Then the boys dug pits and girls planted the young trees into the pits. All of us worked very hard. In a short time, we were all wet with sweat. After the young trees planted, we began to water. There is a pond near, so we took water easily. At about four o’clock in the afternoon, we finished all work and took a photo to remember this meaningful day. We were tired but happy.



話題英語作文600字 篇6

  1. Traffic laws are of little use if drivers simply ignore them and law enforcement departments fail to adopt effective enforcement programs .


  2. Agricultural modernization cannot be achieved unless the government substantially increases funding ; farmers accept advanced agronomic techniques ; and consumers engaged in a concerted effort to reduce unnecessary and exorbitant waste .


  3. Effective flood control is not only necessary , but is also essential for protecting the lives of millions of Chinese citizens .


  4. Simple expressions of indignation are no substitute for meaningful actions to right a wrong .


  5. Even modest increases in education allocations are better than none .


話題英語作文600字 篇7

  As we know, a growing outbreak of H one N one flu has been sparked in many countries. An increasing number of cases are being reported every day。

  Its thought that H one N one flu spreads in the same way that regular seasonal influenza viruses do, that is, spreading from person-to-person, mainly through the coughs and sneezes of people who are sick with the virus。

  Faced with this severe disease, here are some everyday measures we should take to stay healthy. First, cover your nose and mouth with a tissue when you cough or sneeze. Wash your hands often with soap and water, especially after you cough or sneeze. Avoid touching your eyes, nose or mouth. Germs spread that way. If you get sick, stay home from work or school and limit contact with others to keep from infecting them。

  Finally, H one N one flu is not a terribly deadly disease, which is curable. So, dont be nervous and just keep calm as usual。

話題英語作文600字 篇8

  My Childhood

  I’d like to tell you something about my childhood. When I was six years old, I was a lovely girl!

  One day, my father saw some fish in the river, so he asked me, “Why can fish only live in water?” I thought about it, then I gave him the answer, “Because there are some cats on the bank.” My father laughed when he heard that. Then he said, “You are smart!” I was happy to hear that.

  Maybe you will say, “It’s a funny answer.” Now, I think, it is very interesting. And now I am smart. My parents love me very much. I am so happy to have that childhood.



