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Name: YJBYS Nationality: China (Mainland)
Current Place: Guangzhou Height/Weight: 170 cm 70 kg
Marital Status: married Age: 31 years
Career Objective
Application type: Jobseeker
Preferred job title: Sales Manager: sale 、 Channel/Distribution Manager: sale 、 Regional Sales Manager: sale
Working life: 9 Title: No title
Job type: Full time Expected Start date: In a month
Expected salary: ¥5,000--¥8,000 Preferred working place: Guangzhou
Work experience
Educational Background
Name of School: Naval Aeronautical Engineering Institute, Qingdao
Highest Degree: Bachelor Date of Graduation: 2001-07-01
Name of Major 1: Electronic Engineering Name of Major 2: Information Engineering
Education experience:
Start date End date Education organization Majors Certificate Certificate No
1997-07 2001-07 青島海軍航空工程學院 Electronic Engineering Degree certificate 270051
Language Ability
Foreign Language: English Level: normal
Language ability: normal
Chinese level: normal Cantonese Level: normal
Relevant skills and abilities
  I can adapt to the new positions In a very short time。I have good learning ability and proficiency in office software applications。