查文庫>問答> in the bed和in bed的區別

in the bed和in bed的區別

  in the bed造句:

  Particles swim around in the bed。顆粒在床層中到處遊動。

  There seems to be something moving in the bed。床裡面好像有個什麼在動。

  Bubble size is a key factor in determining the conditions in the bed。氣泡尺寸是決定床內情況的一個關鍵因素。

  in bed造句:

  Mary's in bed,Don't wake her。瑪麗在床上睡覺,不要吵醒她。

  Jerry often lies in bed and watches TV。傑瑞經常躺在床上看電視。

  He was lying in bed talking on the phone with his girlfriend。他躺在床上和女朋友打電話。