查文庫>主持詞> 英語短劇主持人串詞設計



  男: 先生們,女士們,晚上好!

  女:ladies and gentlemen!boys and girls!good evening!


  女:nice to see you here! (重讀)


  女:this is the english short drama competition of our institude and think you for your coming.


  女:ok,now. let us look at the purpose of this activity.

  男:在輕鬆愉快的氣氛中體現英語的魅力,挖掘同學們的表演天賦,在劇情表演 中彰顯自己的`個性

  女:the purpose of this activity is to embody the charm of english in the pleasant atmosphere and dig up the talent of acting and show the personality in the performance of his display

  . 男:我們學生會為豐富同學們的課餘文化生活,以英語短劇這種新穎的形式充分 發揮和提高同學們的英語口語水平,增強同學們的團隊意識和集體榮譽感.

  女:in order to enrich student's cultural life after class,our 學生會 take over this novel form to improve the standard of spoken english and the consciousness of teamwork and collective. 女:現在我非常榮幸的向大家介紹我們今天的評委 男:now,i'm very honored to present the introduction of the judges. 介紹結束之後 男:讓我們歡迎他們的到來!

  女:lets welcome their arrival!! ! 男:下面我將介紹今天比賽的評分細則!

  女:i'd like to introduce the rules for this contest!評分細則(或者是要求)

  男:第一:語音語調 總共 20 分:發音準確7分, 語調得體,恰當7分, 臺詞記 憶熟練6分. 女:firstly,pronunciation.it has twenty grades. pronunciate ringhtly . appropriate intonation. memorize skillfully.

  男:第二,表演技巧 (30分):進入角色,感染力強12分,表演大方,神 態自然12分,人物進出場安排合理6分 女:second.the skill of performance. contagious.natural look.


  女:third,peoperties.it has ten grades.

  男:第四:表演內容(30分):劇本完整10分,內容豐富10分,特色鮮明 10分.

  女 : then,the content of the performance .full play. vivid content. prominent characteristic.

  男:綜合效果(10分):演員配合默契5分,觀眾反映良好5分. 超時1分鐘扣2分,不足8分鐘扣5分. 女:last but not least,general effect.it has ten grades.good teamwork beyween actors.the reflection of audience.timeout,

  女:我們此次大賽有 15 支參賽隊伍,然後現在我們早已能看到他們必勝的信心 和微笑了,是不是呢??

  男:we have got fifteen teams,and now we can see their confidence and smile already,right?(鼓動氣氛) 女:讓我們邀請第一對,他們是來自於

  男:let's have a first team.they are come from 男:介紹班級及劇本

  女:the first half of the match so easily concluded.let's meet the second half of the match!see you later