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  How time flies! Four moths have passed since we saw each other last time。 I cannot help but miss you。 You asked me about Chinese Spring Festival。 Now I would like to tell you something about it。

  The Spring Festival is a Chinese traditional festival。 It is the most important and enjoyable one。 A few days before the festival, houses are cleaned and red couplets are put up on the doors of every household。 They are said to frighten away the ghosts。 On that day, people are dressed up。 Firecrackers ring out in the air, which adds to the atmosphere of the festival。 People after a year’s hard work begin to relax and visit one another。 Presents and dinners are given to celebrate the happy reunionof friends and relatives。 Families get together。 They have jiaozi and enjoy the New Year TV show。 Customs may vary from place to place, but the same happy atmosphere is to be found everywhere in the country。

  Now, I hope you have some idea of Chinese Spring Festival。


  Chinese Lunar New Year,or Spring Festival falls on January 1st according to the lunar calendar,usually around the late January or early February。As the start of spring as well as a new year,it is the most important celebration of the year。

  Each family get reunited during the New Year。On the Eve,there is a big dinner for the family when each member return to get together。

  The biggest New Years party is held on CCTV。Hundreds of people gather there,meanwhile millions of others all over the country were sitting in front of the screen to watch excellent performances for more than four hours continuously。

  The bell strike twelve at midnight to welcome the coming of the New Year or Spring。People start to set off firecraks and say Happy New Year to each other。


  The Spring Festival couplet also to spring posts, accusation, couplet, subsidiary, TaoFu etc, it with neatly and dual, concise, exquisite words describe background, to express good wishes, is Chinas unique form of literature.

  Every Chinese New Year, no matter the city or the country, every family to select a pair of bright red stick in the Spring Festival couplets on the door, increase for the festival festival atmosphere.

  This custom up in song dynasty, in the beginning in the Ming dynasty, the qing dynasty, the Spring Festival couplet ideological content and artistic quality has improved a lot.


  Back to my hometown, I am very happy. The custom of Spring Festival always surprises me. The most common one is the following four: eating New Years dinner, watching the party, and setting off fireworks and New Years greetings at midnight.

  At the age of thirty, my uncles aunt and other relatives gathered together, and grandma grandpa was happy and busy. Yes, today were going to eat rice! "Crackle", a burst of firecrackers sound, the annual dinner is ready! Of course, the food will never forget the land grandpa, a few incense, a few bowls of dishes and a bowl of rice, pray for the land grandfather, the next harvest. Next, he was seated. After dinner, everyone sat by the stove and talked. Grandpas grandmother is busy at this time! Eating rice (or reunion dinner) is one of the most important customs of the Spring Festival, and everyone will be back to share this wonderful moment with their families. Theres always a lot to say, work, family, etc. The time of the meal is different, as long as the family is all together, when you want to eat.

  This day, is the first day, just got up, heard outside the door a New Years voice: "give you old New Year!" "Ah! Here comes the happy New Year!" "Happy New Year! At this time, grandmother is busy making breakfast, grandpa is busy greeting people. "Sit down? "No, no." This conversation will always be heard many times. I hurried to finish my breakfast and the little uncle and they went out. The little uncles twin daughters, purple and purple, were carrying a bag, and the contents of each bag would add a little, but they were happy. The so-called "New Year" is going from house to house, sometimes sitting for a while, chatting or something. And the child is carrying a bag to worship sugar. Say it, I dont have it!


  When it comes to the custom of Spring Festival, I know more about it. For example, set off firecrackers, visit relatives and friends, paste Spring Festival couplets, eat dumplings, it is simply too many. But for me, the food lover, the most expected and favorite, of course, eat dumplings!

  When the soup was out of the pot, it smelled so good that it made people salivate.

  Finally, we can eat dumplings! At this time I, the mood can really be high spirits, cant wait to eat the days dumplings. After a while, all the people at the table arrived, and the dumplings were served in bowls and bowls. I hold the chopsticks in my hand, looking at the bowl of the hot and hot tang yuan, the heart is always hot. I couldnt wait any longer, so I picked up a sweet dumpling from the bowl and took a careful bite. Wow!!!! The taste is simply beautiful! The soft dough, and the sweet, sweet filling, ran straight to my throat. This taste, can really give a person a kind of the feeling of flying in the clouds, drifting.

  Tangyuan, in some places called tuan zi, let a person have a New Year can be a round of perfect expectations.

  How to? After listening to my introduction, do you also have a feeling of anticipation for my favorite Spring Festival customs? Lets start making dumplings now. Looking forward to the Spring Festival this year, you can also have delicious dumplings. In the New Year, you can also with your family circle round, happy!


  The Spring Festival, a traditional Chinese festival, is also the first major festival in the hearts of the people. The traditional customs of the Chinese nation, which has a traditional color, are very formal and can not be reduced at all.

  Making dumpling is a learning, although the elders hand is very clever, the dumpling is quick and beautiful. In fact, the thickness of the dumplings, the number of dumplings, the time to make dumplings... There are problems that need to be paid attention to, maybe less or less, and the dumplings are not so delicious.

  Jiaozi is an indispensable holiday food for the Spring Festival. People eat jiaozi in the Spring Festival to take the voice of "money and treasure"; Two, the dumpling has the filling, has the people to pack all sorts of auspicious things to go in, to depend on people to the New Years expectation. The festival food, which brings happiness to people, has become an important part of Chinese food culture.

  I think the Spring Festival is not only about eating dumplings, but also enjoying the customs of traditional festivals.


  As the saying goes: "Chinese culture, broad spirit"! Thats true. You can see that spirit from Chinese traditional festivals!

  "Spring Festival" is a yearly festival, also a favorite holiday. Because every Spring Festival everyone will gather together, hot and noisy eat a New Years eve dinner. Its just part of it. Theres a better Spring Festival evening.

  Spring Festival also has many customs, below I give you a brief introduction several.

  The first kind: paste spring couplet. It is a must for Spring Festival. The spring couplets are composed of three parts: the upper, the lower and the horizontal. The two groups have the same number of words. If your head is rich enough, your ego can create it too!

  The second kind: paste blessing word. This is a very funny word. In general, the word "fu" is a positive note, and many of the homes are "upside down", which is said to be hidden meaning "fu has fallen", which is also an important link.

  The third and most important one: eating dumplings. This is what the whole family likes. They cant make dumplings and put special things in them, such as COINS, peanuts, dates and so on. Each ingredient contains a different meaning, and also lets family members share their own happiness while eating dumplings!

  The custom of "Spring Festival" still has a lot of, I introduce to there, expect everyone to be successful, the heart wants to accomplish!


  The Spring Festival is a traditional festival of all nationalities in our country, more than 100 years ago, folk artists "one hundred" in his QuBenZhong writes: "in the first month in every New Year, Lantern Festival view on the lamp, month circle, flower box at everywhere, loud fireworks, make streets are swim series." The history of the Spring Festival is a vivid picture.

  O once ZuYi regards to scale to understand the progress of testing calendar in ten thousand, when he appeared on the day of 20:30 liu jianhua calls to see cliff wrote some words on the side of the temple of heaven, after equilibrium saw, understand the ten thousand calendar has research success, he is afraid of the emperor reuse, founded in ten thousand, sent to assassinate, the assassin was caught by the guards, ZuYi understand, o to punish the scale, personally the pagoda to see the sun in ten thousand, in ten thousand, pointing to astronomical phenomena, the ZuYi said: "at the moment it is 12 months, out has ended, and spring after beginning, king please appoint a section." Zub said, "spring is the year of the year, call it Spring Festival."

  After winter, year after year, in ten thousand after long-term observation, carefully calculated, formulated the accurate solar, to commemorate the feat in ten thousand, after he put solar day named "calendar" in ten thousand for the birthday girl and, later, people hang up the birthday girl figure during Chinese New Year, according to legend is in memory of the ten thousand.

  At this moment, we also have some customs, such as "fu" on the upside, firecrackers, New Year and so on.