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  1、For all the things you do,and is not worth,who also don't understand.為你做的一切,值得不值得,誰也不懂。

  2、How long,I can go to the end of the world.還有多久,我才可以走到世界的盡頭。

  3、I use memories under an end to end the iron between us the story.我用回憶燙下一個句號來結束我們之間的故事。

  4、Give not you want happiness,friend or lover and care.給不了你想要的幸福,朋友或情人俄不在乎。

  5、Who will not understand this world.Take inventory.誰也不會明白這個世界的是是非非。

  6、I really love you,perhaps in your eyes just talk,but my heart is full,but you.我真的愛上了你,或許在你眼裡只是說說而已,但我的心,卻是滿滿的都是你。

  7、Fireworks rain lane,whose kite is broken line,who really injured.煙花雨巷,誰的風箏斷了線,誰的真心受了傷。

  8、Or a person continue to lonely down,don't need anyone Li frets.還是一個人繼續孤單下去,不需要任何人憐唳。

  9、The words I love you,lost in the unease.那句我愛你,遺失在流年裡。

  10、Each song has a story,I want to use my way to interpret every story.每首歌都有一個故事,我想用我的方式,來詮釋每個故事

  11、Wandering in the edge of renunciation cannot,if not self-esteem from I won't just go.徘徊在無法捨棄的邊緣,如果不是自尊在作祟我不會就那麼走?

  12、First love is unforgettable all one's life.初戀是永生難忘的。

  13、Love without end hath no end.情綿綿,愛無邊。

  14、When two people are in love,they are eager to have more sweet kisses.But why they are in quarrel,they are hurting each other by the mouths that once used for kissing?Every time when I was upset or tired,I can only kiss by myself.兩人相愛是,渴求無限甜蜜的吻。但為何在爭吵時,卻要用接吻的嘴互相傷害呢?每當我憂鬱困惑,疲憊不堪時,我只能給自己一個吻。

  15、I hide my storm-like love in my heart just not to give you any pressure.The more precious my love is,the more I cherish the love from others.我將暴風般的愛情藏在心底,那是為了不給對方任何心理壓力,我的愛情越是珍貴,相對地,也越珍惜別人的愛情。

  16、But most of all thank you for.但我最想感謝你的是。

  17、Precious things are very few in this world.That is the reason there is just one you.在這世上珍貴的東西總是罕有,所以這世上只有一個你。

  18、Happiness is that u have food to eat,place to sleep and people to love.Happiness is when thedesolated soul meets love.有吃的東西,有睡覺的地方,有所愛的人,便是幸福。幸福是荒廢的靈魂遇到愛的邂逅。

  19、Being with you is like walking on a very clear morning.和你在一起就像在一個清爽的早晨漫步。

  20、I haven't got a clue.我也搞不清楚。

  21、To the world you may be just one person.To the person you may be the world.對於世界,你可能只是一個人,但對於某個人,你卻是整個世界。

  22、Follow feeling,never had a feeling,cardiac at first glance,but not because of your face.憑的是感覺,從來沒有過的感覺,心動的第一眼,卻不是因為你的臉。

  23、Your own taste,let my heart closely rely on.你的專屬的味道,讓我的心緊緊依靠。

  24、I absolutely don't say I love you,this is between us the tacit understanding.我絕對不說我愛你,這是我們之間的默契。

  25、Love is something eternal;the aspect may change,but not the essence.愛是永恆的',外表可能改變,但本質永遠不變。

  26、The road to a lover's house is never long.通往愛人家裡的路總不會漫長。

  27、Why do the good girls,always want the bad boys?為何好女孩總喜歡壞男孩?

  28、You're always there for me.當我需要你時你永遠在那裡。

  29、From no words not talked about speechless,only need a silent instant just.從無話不談到無話可說,只需要一個沉默的瞬間而已。

  30、You don't love a woman because she is beautiful,but she is beautiful because you love her.你不會因為美麗去愛一個女人,但她卻會因為你的愛而變得美麗。

  31、If you leave me,please don't comfort me because each sewing has to meet stinging pain.離開我就別安慰我,要知道每一次縫補也會遭遇穿刺的痛。

  32、If my life is a joke,you are in my life the only true.如果我的生命是一個笑話,你就是我生命裡唯一的真實。

  33、I believe in the fairy story u wrote for me,and myself becomes the faint flower in the story.我相信了你編寫的童話,自己就成了童話中幽藍的花。

  34、Return to mou that past once,but it's only a game.回眸那過往的曾經,原來只是一場遊戲。

  35、In the sentimental days,I take time,messy floating.在那些感傷的日子裡,我拿流年,亂了浮生。

  36、Is not life if it is only as first,but life what not to meet不是人生若只如初見,而是人生何如不相逢

  37、Miss forever looking at you even if you never found me好想永遠這樣的看著你即使你從來沒有發現過我

  38、No words are necessary between two loving hearts.兩顆相愛的心之間不需要言語。

  39、Love's tongue is in the eyes.愛情的話語全在雙眼之中。

  40、You are not me,you don't know my loneliness,itas after.你不是我,你不用懂得我的寂寞,就當作是經過。

  41、Don't spend time with someone who doesn't care spending it with you.不要把時間花在一個不在乎與你一起分享的人身上。

  42、Even if I bowed my head also cannot find reason lets you took me by the hand.即使我低頭也無法找到理由讓你牽起我的手。

  43、I love you not because of who you are,but because of who I am when I am with you.我愛你,不是因為你是一個怎樣的人,而是因為我喜歡與你在一起。

  44、Where there is love,there are always wishes.哪裡有愛,哪裡就有希望。

  45、Give up is completely lost,persistence will have at least a glimmer of hope.放棄了就徹底的輸了,執著最少還會有一絲希望。

  46、Don't cry because it is over,smile because it happened.不要因為結束而哭泣,微笑吧,為你的曾經擁有。

  47、Quiet exists,the quiet,to let others feel my existence.安靜的存在著,安靜到讓別人感覺不到我的存在。

  48、Once this dial the disorderly my heartbeat,now how could I forget you.曾今撥亂我心跳的人,如今我怎麼可能忘記你。

  49、When things tend to go wrong.就算是我犯了錯誤也沒關係。

  50、Don't try so hard,the best things come when you least expect them to.不要著急,最好的總會在最不經意的時候出現。

  51、I love you not for who you are,but for who I am before you.我愛你不是因為你是誰,而是我在你面前可以是誰。

  52、Yesterday,today you let not again find you.昨天把你放開,今天不一定再把你找到。

  53、Memories took my hand,I how fled are destined to be in vain.回憶拉著我的手,我怎麼逃都註定是徒勞。

  54、Love is a fabric that nature wove and fantasy embroidered.愛情是一方織巾,用自然編織,用幻想點綴。

  55、I give my future fill in color,afterwards just know,you are that color.我給我的未來填上了色彩,後來才明白,你就是那色彩。

  56、As I?am with you就像我跟你在一起時那麼地快樂。

  57、During the whole life,you will regret for two things:one is that you don't get the one you love and the other is the one you love is not happy.人的一生,有兩種遺憾最折磨人:一是得不到你心愛的人;二是心愛的人得不到幸福。

  58、I give you in my heart left a position,the position that passers-by.我給你在我心裡留了一個位置,這個位置叫路人。

  59、Because loved a crazy,so see you still smiling silence.因為曾經愛過一場瘋狂,所以看你依舊笑著沉默。

  60、Sometimes love,he come so fast,and sometimes love will call a person hurt.有時愛,他來得太快,有時愛也會叫人受傷害。

  61、Habit with you,with you in,so happy.Also fear of losing you.習慣有你,有你在,很開心。同時也害怕會失去你。

  62、You make my heart smile.我的心因你而笑。

  63、only that deep helpless.愛情演變的如此失敗,只留下那深深的無奈。

  64、In the very smallest cot there is room enough for a loving pair.哪怕是最小的茅舍,對一對戀人來說都有足夠的空間。

  65、Read too many fairy tales,think love will be perfect to arrive.看過太多太多的童話,以為愛情會完美到達。

  66、I like your life across the meteor,fleeting.我就像你生命中劃過的流星,轉瞬即逝。

  67、She who has never loved,has never lived.人活著總要愛一回。

  68、I hope you're as happy with me.我希望你跟我在一起永遠開心。

  69、Life is the flower for which love is the honey.生命如花,愛情是蜜。

  70、With the wonder of your love,the sun above always shines.擁有你美麗的愛情,太陽就永遠明媚。

  71、Time of gear has been turned,we have been repeating some damage.時間的齒輪一直在轉,我們一直在重複一些傷害。

  72、Atrue friend is some one who reaches for your hand and touches your heart.一個真正的朋友是向你伸出手,觸動你心靈的人。

  73、Because that desperate love,what I lost you never know.因為那奮不顧身的愛,我失去了什麼你不會知道。

  74、Are you turn a walk,do not see my sad.Am I too wayward,regardless of your feelings.是你轉頭就走,沒看見我的難過。是我太任性,不顧你的感受。

  75、Itself is a lonely,but also make you feel lonely antidote.本身是一種寂寞,卻還要做你寂寞的解藥。

  76、It is never too late to fall in love.愛永遠不會嫌晚。

  77、Don't struggle so much,best things happen when not expected.不要做太多的抗爭,最好的東西總是發生在出乎意料的時候。

  78、Encouraging me when I need a shove.當我需要動力時你鼓勵我。