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What kind of person you are.


The main description your name, age, height, weight, and other basic information. If their looks confident, still can add a photo (can be one inch affairs the photograph also can be five inch life photo). These conditions to the truth, do not need to also can not machining.


What you've learned.


This is during your college study description, to be able to let the HR clearly know what you read the school, learn what major, make some degree, have a second major, and ever joined other training (such as the exam of the professional qualification training), etc. Some students to illustrate the performance outstanding, the report also attach, I personally think that this is no necessary.


What you have done.


In order to apply it, for students, the biggest difference is in the reading while you were out of the school gate looking for some social work opportunity, if you have such experience such as attend promotion, practice and kind of activities, to write, and this will help you get chance of winning. Some students to participate in the activities of more, some even if it's just participated in a little, will resume in detail list out. I think this is not necessary, and choose some of the position that you apply for related work experience will be enough. The least said, soonest mended, and sometimes it will let in the embarrassing situation, this kind of situation in interview is frequent.


What do you want to do.


Is the job objective, this is very important. Some classmates in order to strive for more opportunities, often in the job objective fill can be engaged in sales category, management classes, computer classes, this is a low-level errors. You have to explicitly tell HR you want to be engaged in what kind of work, and what kind of work does not. Because the CV is targeted, in delivery before, you should know this very units to provide what open positions.