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英語日記作文 篇1

  An English proverb says that time is money. I consider it (this) wrong. Why? Because we all know that we can earn money be work but can not in any way get back time (in anyway)。 For this reason, we may (can) say that time is more valuable than money.

  Many people do not know the value of time. It (this) is indeed a great pity. We must bear (keep) in mind that wasting time is equal to wasting your life.



英語日記作文 篇2

  七月三日 星期一 晴天



  每一間教室都有兩個外國老師。首先我們先到機場,內部有機艙、櫃檯......等設施。這對沒出過國的我感到十分新鮮!下一個單元是圖書館,裡頭的書都是英文。外國老師還念英文給我們聽,每個人都很專心聆聽喔!我們還自己製作借書證,從玩樂中我們真的學習不少。下一站-銀行,還是小學生的我當然很想體驗使用提款機,就像媽媽平常去銀行一樣,先領號碼牌再提款。最後中午來到餐廳,雖然同樣吃的是營養午餐,但改用盤子、叉子和湯匙,吃起來特別有風味。接下來,來到的是熟悉的商店,看著櫃子上琳琅滿目的商品,有揹包、鞋子、領帶......等,各式各樣、令人目不暇給。玩了一整天,我們最後來到飯店,內部華麗的'裝 潢,讓人為之眼睛一亮呢!

英語日記作文 篇3

  Today was a last vacation day. I should go to the class. I don't like this school’s classes. I don't like the chalk and monitor . I must write and read, learn and read. Was it very bad? In class ,We must understand and learn the knowledge. I don't like quiz and exercise, I like experiment. I think it was a bad day!

英語日記作文 篇4

  In this crisp autumn season, we welcome the school sports meet. On the day of the sports meeting, we rehearsed several times in the hallway in front of the classroom, and then the teacher came to the lively playground with our neat steps.

  We were just standing on the playground when the opening ceremony began. Look, the spirit of the red flag, they hold up the red flag, like a torch burning; After that, the military band played the music of "love me China", and walked over with the orderly drumming. The "sea" of a golden sunflowers also walked past the rostrum; The waist drum also walked quickly through the rostrum with cheerful drumming. The table tennis team waved a ping-pong bat and waved to the rostrum as they walked past the rostrum. Then there were the class teams: some of the classes carried long banners with the slogan of the class. Some students hold small red flags; Some of the class held hands; Our class is the most imposing, eight students held eight words to make up "exercise body, vigorous and vigorous", when zhiyang led the whole class to shout loudly slogans through the rostrum.

  I wish the games a complete success.

英語日記作文 篇5

  I spent this summer vacation in quite a different way. I used to run about every day in previous summer vacations, but this summer vacation I simply could not afford to do so. I would soon be in the last year of my high-school education and would after graduation be up against the college entrance examinations. Though those examinations were still a year away, I had to start early to make myself well prepared by reviewing all those things I had learned at school and this summer vacation was the ideal time for me to do this. At first I was rather dismayed at the thought of this, but later I thought it was better this way because by working hard this summer I could count on endless happy summers to come. With this in mind I then set to work like anything and only occasionally went out for a change or did some physical. I was not at all bored by this kind of life, for I was sustained by a hope.


英語日記作文 篇6

  It's a true story in the summer of 1998 when I was attending a youth conference in L. A... and it feels so good to rewind it in the recollection...

  Fog swirls, swallowing the car in front of us. Dense, impenetrable, the wall of white throws back the lights into my eyes. There are four of us in a family van that is creeping along the free way from downtown L. A. to Lancaster. Fog gets even stronger and spreads out like a blanket over the flat land. It's Noah's turn to drive with complaints about the couldn't be lower visibility. But he is whispering so that Eugene and Kikki can sleep still. With eyes slightly closed, I am playing Bob Dylan on the disk, whose rhythm echoes the midnight prays.

  Well, we've truly had enough prayers just now. Being off from the annual Vineyard Church International Yough Conference, I find myself deeply buried in the ferment that kids create from all over the world. There are cries and whisper, laughter and tears, bless and pain, confidence and disbelief mixed together, building up a confession of the detours of soul. Bible has recorded all this since centuries ago. It's about God, but it's not all time religion.

  A boy from Panama asked me if I eat turkey as an Irish Catholic when pastor David was presenting his speech. I smilingly nodded my head and turned back to Mr. David. He is an authentic English with dark blue pupils, eyes right fixing into his listener while talking.He has truly handsome chins that show up his decency of smile and subtleness of wit.

  "There is only one door into heaven and Jesus said, 'I'm the door' (John 10: 9), he quoted, "The way you enter is by expressing faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. Faith in Jesus is a commitment to the one whose life becomes your life and his life within you makes you a new person."

  There was a dead silence for praying before a burst of weeping broke the ice. A blonde girl threw herself into the arms of the peer beside her, hiding her face. A boy of crew cut on the first row was bending his knees, forehead down to the ground,whispering his regrets. A black girl standing right beside me was shivering her lips with tears hanging up in her eyes, showing a piece of uncertainty.It was truly heart wrenching when more and more kids were peacefully touched by the power of God,harmonizing their words with tears, rather than screaming out their logo as "we love Jesus yes we dm we love Jesus how about you."

  It hasn't been long before I am used to the way of praying here in the States. The melancholies in the air soon put me on the way of figuring out the fact lying behind the tears. It numbed me to see the fear and solitude that root deeply in this materially rich world. There is a false security that drastically reshapes the country by drug, crimes, pre marital sex and racism.And it seemed here every tiny little souls were certain victims. Jesus wasn't truly there, but the void became the savior.

  It was then that the mother of pastor David rose to sing "Ave Maria".She came up to piano in a gentle pace, took a breath, closed her eyes, and delivered the goods.Well, never have heard the song offered with more feeling, more passion and fervor. She was seventy years old and magnificent.The plain voice flowing in the air was neither scratchy nor dramatic that you might expect from an aging third rate opera singer. This was actually the voice of a grandmother distilling her life into the music to honor what she loved and believed in. when the last lovely note faded and silence held us firm, the "grandma" opened her eyes, smiled at us, and said, "my lord be with you."

  That is basically what received from the journey of soul. I told out my sins with once-in-life-time honesty.I may never get a chance to bump into Pastor David and I truly miss this mid aged gentleman of deep sea pupil, although he didn't succeed making me believe that Jesus died on the cross for my sin and paid my sin debt in full.

  Noah is now too sleepy to drive. It's my turn to stay awake in this misty of midnight Los Angeles. Fog stands still when we are inching along the road of this spiritual trip. I don't know what keeps me in such a wild and peaceful excitement. Well, if the fog doesn't lift, may we at least have some lines and reflectors put down along the road to guide us.

英語日記作文 篇7

  The other day my brother and I went to the cinema by bicycle。 My brother was riding with me sitting on the seat behind。 As we came to the crossroads a young man and a girl came up and stopped us。 ‘We‘ve found you at long last,’ they said。 But we didn’t know them。 Pointing to a policeman not far away, the young man explained, ‘He stopped us about half an hour ago and made us catch the next offender。 So come on, stand here。 Hope you don‘t have to wait as long as we did 。 Good luck。’