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英語日記作文 篇1


  吳老師拿著紙走進教室,嘴角微微一笑,說:“把這……”還沒說完,小組長已經開始發了。同學們拿到紙,吳老師見我們一臉茫然,便興致勃勃地說:“你們要在它們的臉上 畫五官,可以任意發揮!”




英語日記作文 篇2

  today is sunday so i go out shopping like usual. it is a sunny day and the wind is warm. i look around as i eat some candies all the way. to be honest,i feel a little hungry and i hurried walk to the maket while by the time a big car accident happened. it is so scary that i run away right soon. i can not believe this and i really need to think over. how does this accident happen?i think is careless and not obey te traffic rules that brings some matters. what is more,in our daily life ,only should we keep calm and be careful can we enjoy a better life. after that i write it on my dairy to make myself still remember.

  今日是週日所以我和往常一樣外出購物,今天天氣不錯風和日麗有陽光. 我一邊走一邊吃著糖果,我有點餓了於是匆忙往去市場的路上走。這個時候我面前發生了一起事故,是車禍。我有點害怕於是馬上跑開,我一直深思是什麼導致這起事故,我認為是粗心和不遵守交通法規導致的。更重要的是,在我們日常生活中只有小心鎮定才可以更好的享受生活。我也因此把這件事記載在日記裡提醒我自己。

英語日記作文 篇3

  armed with two over-packed suitcases, we arrived at the airport just in time for my flight。 "well, here we are, the airport," my sister said with a sigh。 as i watched her unload my luggage, i could see the sadness in her eyes。 this was not easy on her either。

  we had both been dreading this moment for the past week。 one last hug and a final good-bye and i would be on my way to a new life abroad, leaving my beloved sister behind。all my life i had loved airports。 to me they were some kind of magic gateway to the world, a place from which to start great holidays and adventures。 but today it seemed like a cold and heartless place。

  as we made our way to the gate we passed through a busload of frustrated holiday goers and their screaming children。 i looked at my sister and even though her eyes were filled with tears, she was trying to keep a brave face。 "you better go or you'll miss your flight," she said。"i am just going to walk away and not look back," i said, "that would just be too hard。"

  as i held her one last time she whispered, "don't worry about me, i'll be just fine。" "i'll miss you," i replied, and with those last words i was off。 as promised, i did not look back, but by the time i reached the custom's office i was sobbing。 "cheer up, love," the tall customs officer said with a smile。 "it's not the end of the world, you know。" but to me it was the end of the world, as i had known it。while boarding the plane i was still crying。 i did not have the energy to put my bag in the overhead locker, so i stuffed it on the empty seat next to mine。 as i settled into my chair, a feeling of sadness overwhelmed me。 i felt like my best friend had just been taken away from me。

  growing up, my sister and i would do everything together。 born barely fifteen months apart we not only looked alike, we were alike。 we both had that same mix of curiosity and fear of all things unknown to us。one sunny summer day i was playing outside on the grass when she came up to me and said, "want to come to the attic?" we both knew that the answer to that question was always 'yes。'

  we were frightened of the attic but also fascinated by its smells and sounds。 whenever one of us needed something, the other one would come along。 together we would fight the life-size spiders and battle through the numerous boxes until we found what we needed。over time the visits to the attic became less scary。 eventually there came a time when we would go by ourselves, but my sister and i stayed as close as ever。 when the time came for us to go to college, what better way than for us to go together。

  my parents were pleased because that way we could 'keep an eye on each other' and of course report back on what the other one was up to。 but now that our college days were over and i was off to a foreign country, all i had left were my memories。

  the plane shook heavily and the bag that i had shoved onto the seat next to me fell on the floor。 my aspirin, hairbrush and a copy of the book i planned to read were spread on the floor。

  i bent over to gather them up when i saw an unfamiliar little book in the middle of my belongings。 it was not until i picked it up that i realized that it was a diary。 the key had been carefully placed in the lock so i opened it。

  immediately i recognized my sister's handwriting。 "hi sis, what a day it has been today。 first you let me know that you are moving abroad and then my boss。。。"

  only then did i realize that my sister had been keeping a diary for the past month and that she was now passing it on to me。 she had been scheming to start the diary for the past year but now the time seemed right。 i was to write in it for the next couple of months and then send it back to her。

  i spent the rest of the flight reading about my sister's comings and goings。 and even though a large ocean separated us, at some point it felt like she was actually there。 it was only when i thought that i had lost my best friend that i realized that she was going to be around forever。

英語日記作文 篇4

  january 27 20xx it was the second day of our winter holiday. i felt good. i felt i‘m free. i had a lot of time to do things i like. my parents are in beijing. so i live alone but i don’t feel lonely. but i didn‘t do something special. i stayed at home and watched tv. oh! i wrote an english daily composition. it was my homework. today, i have slept for 14 hours. i thought i was very tired. it was time for dinner. i must go! i am very hungry.

英語日記作文 篇5

  Jinmao Building has Chinese traditional styles and it is also modern. It is the signal construction of Shanghai. It is located in the center of Lujiazui Financial Area. Our family visited Jinmao Building today.

  The traffic there is very convenient. You can got here by tunnel and No.2 subway. And if you live near it, you can walk there just like our family. We went to the eighty-eighth floor of Jinmao Building. We saw the whole view of Shanghai there. Please come to Jinmao Building, and you will get some unexpected gains there.

英語日記作文 篇6

  The lesson startedn today. After the long and becaemeour boring opening ceremony, we saw our chinese teacher. She let us each ask her a queation, but it has to be specific and not too private, during the process, she said she is 30 years old and has a 5-month old daughter. Teaching in this special period of time must be hard for her. She gave us an oral test and devided us into froups, I was chosen as the leader. That took up almost the whole lesson. We used the rest of the time doing tongue twisters. Points are given according to the perform

英語日記作文 篇7

  The new term which lasted more than one month is very different. I have to face more and more challenges. Everything is new for me,new acclimation ,new subjects and new classmates.though some subjects is canceled including history,politics,geography and so on,it was sense of exhausted that made me wanted to have a good rest all the time.Twenty days later I will face middle examination. I am busy with it every day.I don t know ability of my competitors and myself.But i will spare no efforts to conquer the grade.I want to ambitions sonner or later.

英語日記作文 篇8

The first day of the Lunar New Year is "the welcoming of the gods of the heavens and earth."

  Many people abstain from meat on the first day of the new year because it is believed that this will ensure long and happy lives for them.

  On the second day, the Chinese pray to their ancestors as well as to all the gods. They are extra kind to dogs and feed them well as it is believed that the second day is the birthday of all dogs.

  The third and fourth days are for the sons-in-laws to pay respect to their parents-in-law.

  The fifth day is called Po Woo. On that day people stay home to welcome the God of Wealth. No one visits families and friends on the fifth day because it will bring both parties bad luck.

  On the sixth to the 10th day, the Chinese visit their relatives and friends freely.

  They also visit the temples to pray for good fortune and health.

  The seventh day of the New Year is the day for farmers to display their produce.

  These farmers make a drink from seven types of vegetables to celebrate the occasion. The seventh day is also considered the birthday of human beings. Noodles are eaten to promote longevity and raw fish for success.

  On the eighth day the Fujian people have another family reunion dinner, and at midnight they pray to Tian Gong, the God of Heaven.

  The ninth day is to make offerings to the Jade Emperor.

  The 10th through the 12th are days that friends and relatives should be invited for dinner. After so much rich food, on the 13th day you should have simple rice congee and mustard greens (choi sum) to cleanse the system.

  The 14th day should be for preparations to celebrate the Lantern Festival which is to be held on the 15th night.

英語日記作文 篇9

  Until 1988 Zhang Ge Zhuang had no school of its own。 It was pretty hard for the children of the village who had to go to school in other villages which were all far away。 Now Zhang Ge Zhuang Primary School has three teachers, teaching 48 pupils。 The teachers had finished middle school education before they returned to teach here。 The pupils are divided into five different classes, in which six subjects are taught。 These are Chinese, Maths, Science, Music, Drawing and Physical Education。 Education is free for all children in the village。

英語日記作文 篇10

  Today, the weather was awful. And I don’t like the weather. It could make me feel unhappy. It’s fidgety to do anything. However, this day was the first day in National Day vacation. Everybody will have a good rest. And someone is relaxing at home, someone is traveling, others are going shopping. In short, everyone is going to enjoy themselves.

  But this day, I spent time in doing homework. Although I didn’t do much homework, I felt tired. I thought I really needed to relax. But at night, I played computer with my brother. We saw an interesting movie. That talked about love and courage. That is a really very nice movie. And I really like that protagonist. She told me about friends and friendship. What a busy day I had!