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五年級英語作文 篇1

  Like Christmas Eve to people of the west, for China, on the eve of the Spring Festival is also a meaningful night, happiness, and a New Year full of expectation in the future.

  With splendid fireworks lit up the sky, the festival overture starting. No matter how long and how difficult is that the Chinese nation trek on the eve of a long way back to the family reunion in a home.It has lasted For many years, is the Spring Festival gala on TV drama, the whole family to enjoy the delicious food and rich dinner, and watch the show together. For, each a terrible memory and unpleasant will stop in the evening, and bright here will start next year.Their wishes become cookies and faraway. In air For generation of colorful fireworks shinning gloss, the Spring Festival eve is considred as to the future, through a year of great summary, in the evening when everyone new began to open their mind.

  With the rapid increase of economy, people have little time with family.But on the eve of this, it might be a return, compensation, or for people who want to share with his or her family to enjoy.A relaxed conversation and joke around, on a cold winter night, the warm atmosphere of the room.




五年級英語作文 篇2













五年級英語作文 篇3


  那天中午,我開始教弟弟學英語了。我說:“Glad to see you。”弟弟卻說:“Glag to she you。”我聽了很生氣,說:“不是‘Glag’,‘Glad’,另外不是‘she’,是‘see’。”弟弟雖然把“Glad”改過來了,可是“see”仍是改不過來。我說“see”,他呢,偏偏說“she”,好像成心氣我似的。我讓他看著我的嘴,看看我是怎麼發音。他看了一會兒,改了過來。可是過了一會兒,又讀成“she”了。我說:“不是讀‘she’,而是‘see’,把舌尖稍微翹一點,舌頭的兩邊放到牙齒的兩側,牙齒的中間留一點空隙,開始發音,就發出‘see’了。”




五年級英語作文 篇4

  My Favorite Animal

  My favorite animal is rabbit. Its name is Sweet. Sweet has long ears. It’s very small. It’s white. It has a short tail. It has red eyes. It likes eating carrots. It likes jumping. I like it very much. It’s lovely. It’s my best friend. I like the rabbit.




五年級英語作文 篇5

  My favorite season is summer. It's hot in summer. There is a summer vacation in summer. I don't go to school. I think many children like this season, because they can eat ice-cream and go swimming. I can go swimming. Sometimes I go to the beach with my parents. Sometimes I go to the swimming pool with my friends. I usually visit many places in summer vacation.


五年級英語作文 篇6

  A Good Brother(好哥哥)

  Mrs White has two children. John is seven. Ann is only three. John is a good brother. He is always very nice to his sister. One day in the afternoon, Mrs White was cooking dinner in the kitchen, and the two children were playing games in the garden. Suddenly, Ann began to cry and she ran to her mum in the kitchen. Mrs White asked, “What’s wrong with you, Ann?” “John broke(弄壞了)my toy bear,” Ann answered sadly. “How did he do it?” mum asked. Ann stopped crying, and said, “I hit(打)his head with it.”


  1. John isn’t a good brother to his sister. ( )

  2. The two children played some games, and their mother was doing the house work. ( )

  3. John hit Ann’s toy bear and broke it. ( )

五年級英語作文 篇7

  Many people like the weekends, so do I . Now let me tell you about my weekends.

  My weekends are so colourful. Saturday morning, I usually climb a mountain. Then, I go to the zoo to visit my new friends Ben. In the afternoon, I usually do homework and read books. On Sunday, I usually do sports, play games, watch TV and read books.

  Last weekend, I went to a zoo with my parents. Suddenly I saw a little monkey. It was hurt. We took care of him. Dad said:How about naming it Ben? We said: Great ! We were so happy! But Ben cant live with us. So we gived it to the zoo. I was sad.

  Next weekend. Im going to visit my new friend Ben. I am going to play with him. It is going to be a happy moment.

  I like my weekends!

五年級英語作文 篇8

  Today, I returned home with joy, and I saw the trees and flowers in the yard. After the sun's sun, many leaves were bleak, dejected and listless. He looked up and saw his mother washing vegetables, and he was humming a tune. I suddenly remembered what I read in my book: our country has a large population and less water resources. Besides, tap water is also the liquid water on the earth. Our water is very small, so we must economize on water and minimize the water consumption. At this time, I suddenly flashed a restless idea: wash vegetables should not be directly poured out, it is not better to use it to water flowers and trees? And the water of the wash is more nutritious than the tap water.

  When my mother was going to empty the washing dishes, I grabbed her water and said to her, "Mom, do you know? It's good for them to wash the vegetables and water them. After listening to my harsh words, she agreed to water the flowers with this water. So I poured the water on them. There was a glittering smile on my face.

  After ten days, the flower bloomed a lovely smiling face, and the tall tree stood tall and upright, just not to my surprise.

  Another time, I saw my brother wash his hands and use a large basin of water. After running out, the water was still as clear as a bowl. When he was about to throw the heavy water out of the basin, I ran to him quickly and said to him, "how can you throw away such clean water? Waste should be used. " With that, I rushed the basin of water into the toilet, and the toilet immediately restored to the usual cleanliness and cleanliness.

  We all want to save water, for everyone's life, for the earth, please do not let the clear water white loss, let us all build a beautiful home!

五年級英語作文 篇9

  My mother is a very kind mother, writing calligraphy and painting to teach me every day, my favorite person is my mother. Thoughtful good mother mother pleasant personality. Mother I love you do cake, miss you do pancakes. I want you to go home. My sister and brother are all miss you very much. I hope you return to us.