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五年級英語作文:看寶寶 Look at the baby

五年級英語作文:看寶寶 Look at the baby

  在現實生活或工作學習中,大家或多或少都會接觸過作文吧,作文是人們把記憶中所儲存的有關知識、經驗和思想用書面形式表達出來的記敘方式。那麼,怎麼去寫作文呢?以下是小編整理的.五年級英語作文:看寶寶 Look at the baby,供大家參考借鑑,希望可以幫助到有需要的朋友。

  看寶寶Look at the baby






  It's said that Aunt Jing has had a baby. My mother and I are very happy.

  Today, after piano class, my mother asked Auntie LAN and auntie Shan to visit her at Aunt Jing's house.

  This is my first time to visit aunt Jing's house, which is clean and beautiful. Grandpa and grandma gave me a lot of delicious treats. I'm embarrassed.

  We went into the bedroom to see the baby. When the baby was full, he was lying on his small bed and sleeping beautifully. I lay on the bed and looked at her carefully. How small she is! My little face is not as big as my palm. My hair is black and soft. She slept soundly with her eyes closed, her mouth moved from time to time, her hands were curled up in front of her chest, her fingers were white, short and lovely! My mother said that my little sister is only twenty days old. It's amazing that I saw such a small baby for the first time. Auntie smiled at me:" you were born a little bit, and now you are also a handsome guy."

  I wish my sister would grow up soon, so that I could play with her.