查文庫>英語寫作指導> 2017年高考英語寫作指導:寫人篇









  一般過去時-- 描寫人物出生、教育背景、經歷、事蹟







  pretty, beautiful, good-looking,handsome,ordinary-looking, with a big nose, with a big

  smile, short, tall,thin, strong, white-haired,1.80 metres tall, …


  absent-minded, charming, attractive, bright, wise smart, confident, naughty,talkative, diligent,

  lazy, friendly, generous, be ready to help others,kind-hearted, warm-hearted, patient, humorous,

  have a good/ bad temper, independent,narrow-minded, …


  as a boy of 15, be born on, during his childhood, live a happy/hard life, the son of a poor family,

  spend his childhood in, ...

  ④興趣愛好: be delighted in doing, be good at , be interested in , be fond of , be crazy about, be pleased with, do well in, enjoy doing, have a strong desire to do, long for/long to do), take a pleasure in doing,…

  ⑤教育背景: be admitted to Beijing University, be enrolled in, fail in the test, get a master’s

  degree, get on well with one’s lessons, go abroad to further one’s study, graduate from,major in, receive a doctor’s degree, pass the examination, take an active part in, …

  ⑥ 成就或事蹟:

  become a member of the team, encourage sb to do sth, give up one’s life for sth, receive the

  Nobel Prize for physics, set a new world record of,win the first prize in, win a gold /silver/ bronze

  medal, have a talent for, make up one’s mind to do sth., put one’s heart into, work hard at,

  concentrate oneself to, devote oneself to,do sth.with great determination and perseverance, ...


  an inspiring leader, a model worker, an advanced teacher, be respected by , be honored as, be

  considered/regarded as, be famous/known as,his hard work brought him great success, make

  great contributions to our country, set a good example for , be highly spoken of for, ...


  你班要舉辦以“Ordinary but Great”為題的英語主題班會。


  注意: 1、詞數不少於60。



  提示詞:首席技師 chief technician

  Ordinary but Great

  We are all ordinary people, but following what we are interested in and doing what we are good

  at can help us make great achievements for society and go far. Here’s a convincing and inspiring example.



  Zhao Yu, the chief technician in the Benz Company,is regarded as a great success. However, his success is no accident. As a young boy with a sense of creativity, he was eager to learn and to make a lot of inventions. Being an ordinary worker in the Benz Company for 17 years, not only did he do well in his job, but he also made efforts to teach himself English and to learn how to use computers. Now it is easy for him to read English materials about cars. Besides, he became expert at solving various technical problems.Because of his great contribution, he has received awards many times.

  Zhao Yu has set a good example that ordinary people can stand out by doing their jobs with interest and enthusiasm.


  1.作者運用了所給出的全部資訊:姓名、職務、經歷。對所給的資訊進行了適當重組,突出了重點資訊(趙鬱的經歷),內容完整、詳略得當,體現了話題“Ordinary but great”所表達的內容。

  2. 正確使用人稱(第三人稱),靈活使用時態(一般過去時、一般現在時);合理使用過渡詞,使文章層次分明、結構緊湊。

  3. 語言規範,表達準確。文章運用了一些高階句式,如同位語、介詞短語、分詞短語、倒裝句、同位語從句等,增加了文章的亮點。