查文庫>語錄> 美劇《真探》的經典語錄





  1.最崇高的事就是否認我們的這種設定Is deny our programming,

  2.人類是被自我這種幻想奴役的生物We are things that labor under the illusion Of having a self,

  3.這種感官體驗和感受的結合This accretion of sensory experience and feeling,

  4.讓我們百分百的確信我們是某個人Programmed with total assurance that we are each somebody

  5.手牽著手邁向滅亡Walk hand in hand into extinction,

  6.最後一個午夜 ,兄弟姐妹們退出這個不公平的遊戲One last midnight, brothers and sisters Opting out of a raw deal.

  7.是進化過程中的一個悲劇性失誤Was a tragic misstep in evolution.

  8.然而實際上我們誰也不是When, in fact, everybodys nobody.

  9.我們變得太有自我意識了We became too self-Aware.

  10.自然創造了有別於其自身的一面Nature created an aspect of nature separate from itself.

  11.我們這種生物的存在違背了自然法則We are creatures that should not exist by natural law.

  12.停止繁衍Stop reproducing,

  13.我覺得無論什麼生物I think the honorable thing for species to do我覺得人類的自我意識I think human consciousness