查文庫>歇後語> 有關冬瓜的歇後語英語



  歇後語是中國 勞動人民 自古以來在生活實踐中創造的一種特殊語言形式,是一種短小、 風趣、形象的.語句。下面是小編收集整理的有關冬瓜的歇後語英語,希望對你有所幫助!

  White water and winter Gourd - no taste

  Flesh melon - a bad stomach water

  Lift the melon - top-heavy

  Winter gourd boil soup -- tedious

  Melon belly maggots - a bad heart

  Melon skin hat - crafty Fox;

  Melon money in a gourd - "

  Frost on the winter Gourd - - two light

  Water melon - bad

  The melon vines tied to eggplants -- lalacheche

  The winter gourd down the hill - - roll

  The winter gourd on the roof - - roll on both sides

  Rotten melon - a bad stomach water

  But not only the melon, eggplant mill -- Qiruanpaying

  Cattle foot smelly melon - covered Maohuai water

  The number of melon eggplant -- on road

  In the snow to eat melon, tasteless and insipid

  Shorties melon climbing stairs -- be promoted step by step

  Through the rotten melon - bad

  Inverted capsule - good melon good food

  The winter gourd in the ground - roll and roll

  Hanging melon - top-heavy

  Winter gourd is entangled in the door of the Solanum - - stir seven to stir eight

  Winter gourd is entangled in the field of the Solanum - - east Panzhihua

  Pull the door - wrapped melon eggplant Qianchawancuo the wrong person.

  The winter gourd is entangled in the door - the wrong door

  Winter gourd in the eggplant

  Wrapped in wax gourd eggplant -- do not touch the door

  The winter gourd is entangled in the Solanum