查文庫>其他類英語作文> 新學期計劃英語作文帶翻譯






  Another year of school, go back to that familiar with the campus, everything in front of our eyes is so beautiful, the breeze blow filled the campus, the sun is shining. I also with excitement and friends came to the classroom.

  Students smiling, others talking about their holiday fun, some said to each other in miss each other, some are playing games.

  Has become fond memories of the summer vacation, the new semester is the sixth grade the first semester, again want to face up the junior high school, so we want to study well, lay the foundation for graduation, so my new term plan is as follows:

  1, exercise every day.

  2, put some small problems (like big mouth, do not love to eat green vegetables, etc.), corrected and protect good vision, can't let eyesight drops again.

  3, broaden horizons, widely read extracurricular knowledge, their own composition level.

  4, every night to go to the xinhua bookstore, read books there, adding their own utility.

  5 every read a book, write a journal entry, the content of the journal entry to full, rich, unable to cope with.

  6, his words practice well, can't write while.

  In order to last year in the sprint, in order to lay a foundation on the junior high school, I have to refuel!





  2、把一些自己的小毛病 (喜歡多嘴,不愛吃青菜等)改正過來,並且保護好視力,不能讓視力再度下降。







  Summer vacation will soon be over, we will be in a new mental outlook into the new semester. Further progress in this semester, I want to.

  First of all, have a class of time, I want to be listening, don't do little affectations, chatting with classmates, to strive for the teacher in the classroom, all knowledge digestion; For problems to fools, humbly ask teachers and classmates.

  Next, want to complete all homework assigned by the teacher carefully, do meticulous. The assignments classroom is complete; Assignments and homework on time independently.

  Third, must complete the language lesson in advance before class. For your words, idioms, will need to recognize it in the dictionary, to understand the meaning; Learn to give the text segment, with the shortest language to write each section of each paragraph, then summarize the central idea of the text; After class, for each lesson, you first try to do; For the text and the class topic don't understand and won't do, to put it in a book strike down or down, took the issue to listening in class the next day, still can ask the teacher in class.

  Fourth, to take advantage of Sundays and holidays, and continue to take part in the Olympic math, English, read more books, constantly enrich their own knowledge. To find time, more work.

  To sum up, in the new semester I will work harder, strive for is to get good grades in every subject, when a all aspects are very good students.





