查文庫>日記> 關於初二英語日記範文帶翻譯殘疾人



  今天我和爸爸去公社大食堂去吃飯。吃完飯回家的`時候,我看見一位殘疾人,他 坐在輪椅上,用手滾動著輪椅的輪子。突然,有一位三年級的大姐姐上前幫那一位殘疾人,那時我的臉開放了笑容。

  Today, my father and I went to the commune canteen for dinner. When I came home from dinner, I saw a disabled man. He was in a wheelchair, rolling the wheel of the wheelchair with his hand. All of a sudden, a third grade elder sister came to help the disabled person. At that time, my face opened a smile.