查文庫>課件> 八年級下冊英語《Could you please clean your room》課件

八年級下冊英語《Could you please clean your

八年級下冊英語《Could you please clean your room》課件

  Studying Aims(學習目標)

  1.Be able to read the new words by looking at the pronunciation.(能根據音標拼讀新單詞)

  2.Be able to use listening strategies to finish off the listening tasks.(能運用捕捉主要資訊等聽力技能完成判斷、選詞任務)

  3.Be able to make a conversation in pairs (能進行有禮貌請求和請求許可的對話)

  Preparing for class(候課)

  Ask students to sit well and check the words with each other.

  Studying procedures (學習過程)

  Step 1: Daily greetings and leading into a new lesson.(匯入新課)

  Today we’ll learn Unit3 Could you please clean your room? In this unit we’ll talk about chores and permission. (今天,我們將學習第三單元,本單元主要談論家務瑣事與許可。)

  Step 2: Show “Studying aims” (出示目標)(1')

  Step 3: Guide One(自學指導一)(4')

  1.Read and understand the words by looking at the pronunciation. (根據音標拼讀單詞,1分鐘後比比看,誰讀得最好)(1')

  2.抽讀、正音、領讀、齊讀 (2')

  3.Finish 1a by writing down A for always, U for usually, O for often, S for sometimes, HE for hardly ever and N for never. (在短語旁邊用頻率副詞的首字母寫出自己做家務的頻率)

  Step 4: Guide Two (自學指導二)(3')

  1.Listen and check Peter’s mother or Peter will do these chores.


  2.Listen and read along the tape.(跟讀課本99頁的聽力材料)

  Step 5: Guide Three(自學指導三) (8')

  1.Read the conversation in 1a and translate it by themselves. (默讀並試著翻譯1a的對話)(1')

  Make polite requests :

  Compare:Could you please sweep the floor?

  Can you do the dishes?

  Think: Which sounds more polite to you?

  情態動詞can和could均可用來提出要求,但could 較為委婉、客氣。     Could you please+…?是一個禮貌、委婉地提出要求的句式,其後加動詞原形即可。

  注意在回答時,could要用can 代替。

  2.Practice reading. (領讀,齊讀,分角色讀) (2')

  3.Make conversations about the chores in 1a. (兩人小組用1a的短語練習對話) (5')

  Step 6: Guide Three(自學指導三) (15')

  1.Listen.Peter asks his father if he can do four things.What does his father say?Check yes or no.  (聽錄音。彼得問他爸爸他能否做四件事。他爸爸說什麼了,請在yes或no前打鉤)


  Notes: (1)stay out late ;     (2)give sb. a ride/get a ride from sb.

  2.Listen again.Why does Peter’s father say “no”? Draw lines to the reasons in the chart in 2a. (再聽錄音,彼得的爸爸為什麼說不?在2a的表格裡面連線理由)

  3.Listen and check. (核對答案並跟讀課本99-100頁的聽力材料)

  4. Make conversations between Peter and his father. (編寫彼得和爸爸之間的對話)

  Step 7: Exercises in class (當堂訓練) (15')

  Please recite and dictate the following words,phrases and sentences.(背誦並默寫下列單詞、片語和句子。10分鐘背誦,5分鐘默寫,小組閱,堂清)  (10')

  (1)做家務__________________    (2)倒垃圾__________________

  (3)疊衣服__________            (4)掃地__________________

  (5)整理床鋪__________________  (6)洗碗__________________

  (7)打掃客廳__________________  (8)在外面呆到很晚__________________

  (9)搭車__________________      (10)用電腦工作__________________








  _______________________________________________________________  Blackboard design(板書設計)

  Unit 3  Section A 1a-2c

  (1) A:Could you please take out the rubbish?

  B:Yes,sure./OK,but I want to watch one show first./No problem.//Sorry,I can’t.I have to do my homework first.

  (2) A: Could I go out for dinner with my friends?

  B: Sure. That should be OK./No ,you can’t. You have a basketball game tomorrow.
