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一、Local Taxation Bureau work content

1, carrying out the state, province, city, District People's government as well as the state, provincial and Municipal Local Taxation Bureau to develop tax policies, policies and various tax laws, regulations and provisions.

2, according to the work of the higher authorities of the local tax authorities, research and development planning and the development of the annual work plan, and organize the implementation of creative work to complete the task.

3, is responsible for the city all state-owned, collective, joint stock enterprise, limited liability company, private enterprise, individual business households, zero foreign retail, affiliated to the households, administrative institutions, social organizations, military units, schools and so on local tax and education fee additional, culture construction fee, water conservancy construction fund, social insurance premiums of collection and management.

4, adhere to Zhishui according to law, crack down on tax evasion and refusal to pay taxes, to plug loopholes in tax, mining growth point sources to ensure the successful completion of the central, provincial, municipal and district levels of income of the task.

5, carry out tax law publicity, conscientiously do a good job of tax counseling, improve citizen's consciousness of paying tax; continuously improve service quality, improve relations between tax collectors and taxpayers; to help the development of production and operation of the taxpayer, vigorously cultivate local revenue sources.

6, in accordance with the provisions of the cadre management authority, the global cadres were appointment, deployment, political and business training, examination and rewards and punishments.

7, concerned about the care of cadres and workers, do a good job in the ideological and political work of the global, spiritual civilization construction, tax culture construction, construction of a clean and honest administration and logistics services, improve the quality of the team, fully mobilize the enthusiasm for the work of the global.

8, in charge of supervision and inspection of the staff of the office of tax law enforcement.

9, vigorously strengthen the construction of information, carry out collection and management reform, and promote the process of scientific and technological management.

10, the District People's Congress, the district CPPCC and other tasks assigned by the superior.

二、Local Taxation Bureau security post content

(一), the work content of the entrance guard room

1, responsible for monitoring equipment, timely treatment of suspicious circumstances, to maintain a safe state.

2, receive visitors must let it fill in the "XX City Local Tax Bureau Visitors Registration Form", get the consent of the respondents can let it enter.

3, responsible for the custody of the guard room items, do a good job transfer records.

4, to enter the Council of foreign vehicles must be issued a temporary parking card, the vehicle left must recover the parking card before it can be released.

5, answer the phone must use polite language, need to communicate the phone must be promptly communicated or transferred in place.

6, is responsible for the transmission of the superior telephone instructions, according to the superior instructions of the allocation of staff to deal with the matter.

7, strictly examine the out of office building items must be approved by the leadership of the Council agreed to be released after.

8, keep the room clean work environment.

9, to do a good job in the entrance of the door locked and unlocked in the specified time.

10, deal with all kinds of unexpected accidents, familiar with the correct use of facilities and equipment, the accident loss to a minimum degree.

(二), the work of the work of patrol posts

1, responsible for the inspection of the public part of the office building and the compound, in time to find and deal with the safety accidents and hidden dangers.

2, is responsible for the inspection office building facilities and equipment is in the normal state.

3, conscientiously do a good job in the Council of the courtyard of the vehicle management, all vehicles must be parked in the designated position and maintain the smooth flow of road around the courtyard.

4, check whether the parking vehicle to do a good job security measures, such as there is no lock phenomenon immediately notify the owner to handle.

5, do a good job in the newspaper distribution of the day.

6, every night after 22:00 check all vehicles parked in the courtyard's office door, check all locks.

7, to do a good job in regular patrol attendance.

3 Local Taxation Bureau work content

Mengyin County Local Taxation Bureau is in charge of the county local tax administration, the implementation of the following vertical leadership management system, the level of institutions and government departments at the same level, the main responsibility is to:

(1) to implement the state's tax laws, regulations and rules, combined with the actual situation in Mengyin County, the research and development of specific implementation measures;

(2) according to the county economic development planning, research and development of the system of tax planning and annual work plan and organize the implementation of the system;

(3) responsible for the county local tax, the relevant funds and fees collection management;

(4) is responsible for the implementation of the supervision and inspection of the state tax laws and regulations, for the implementation of the process of general tax policy and collection and management problems according to the management authority to explain, problems related to the tax law and tax policy implementation.

(5) in charge of the system of administrative law enforcement supervision and inspection, administrative reconsideration and litigation work;

(6) in charge of the guidance and management of the system of tax inspection, anti tax avoidance and major tax cases and anti tax evasion cases investigated and dealt with;

(7) in charge of the system, finance, capital construction, asset management and audit work;

(8) is responsible for the system, the preparation, the personnel management and the cadre education and training work, the management of the local tax department of the leadership team;

(9) to be responsible for the ideological and political work of the system, the construction of spiritual civilization and the construction of the basic level, and organize the publicity work of the tax law;

(10) responsible for the system of discipline inspection, supervision work;

(11) responsible for the planning and implementation of the system of tax information, modernization, construction and management information system;

(12) to undertake other tasks assigned by the superior local tax department and the Mengyin county Party committee and the county government.