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用英語寫端午節的作文 篇一

In the long history of Chinese vast territory and abundant resources, there are many traditional festivals, and I love the Dragon Boat festival.

The day of the Dragon Boat Festival, there are people hanging calamus, wormwood, is said to be able to get rid of mosquitoes and other pests. The Dragon Boat Festival is indispensable zongzi, glutinous rice dumplings, red bean dumplings, dumplings and ham and so on. Remember a year Dragon Boat Festival, our family package dumplings, I also participated in a back. Unfortunately, the level of technology is not high to be a spectator. Looking at the mother's skilled movements, the heart is really admire and envy. Dumplings wrapped in the water can be boiled, with boiling water and steam coming out of the water floating in the room, so that the room is full of unique fragrance of bamboo leaves and glutinous rice. I am greedy DC slobber. Zongzi, a pan I can not wait to want to take, the mother in the side of the straight smile I was a little chanmao, but still help me to the dumplings, peel, dipped in sugar to eat. Also told me that the origin of the Dragon Boat Festival, eating dumplings, the original is the ancient people in order not to let the fish to eat because patriotic and cast Jiang Qu Yuan's body, and the rice dumplings into the river. Listening to my mother's story, I unknowingly eat a rice dumplings, sweet and sweet.

For the past few years, people's living standards improve, the pace of life accelerated, but the Dragon Boat Festival, people eat dumplings customs did not change, just now the dumplings are purchased directly from the market and the choice of the varieties also. But eating rice dumplings always miss the fragrance of the house......




用英語寫端午節的作文 篇二

The year May in Chinese lunar calendar is Chinese folk traditional festival, the Dragon Boat festival.

Over the Dragon Boat Festival, is the Chinese people more than two thousand years of habits. About the origin of the Dragon Boat Festival to commemorate Qu Yuan's most widely. According to legend, Qu Yuan is the period of the Warring States Chu doctor, because the patriotic ideal can not be achieved and bouldering Miluo River Dutch act. People in order to commemorate him, he put the date of the river as the Dragon Boat festival.

When it comes to the Dragon Boat Festival, the most common custom to eat rice dumplings. Although there are many varieties of rice dumplings in the shop, but I still like the home package dumplings. In the Dragon Boat Festival two days before my mother would put zongzi reed leaves to buy back with water boiled and then prepare zongzi raw materials: glutinous rice, meat, bean paste, jujube and other. Next and grandma package dumplings together, my grandmother every will select two or three leaf, left-handed pinch live leaves a head, with the right hand three finger pinch leaves another head gently to a roll, rolled into a cone shape, volume after a good will toward inside put ready materials. Finally, with cotton thread to strong bundles of dumplings, a kind of mold the four corners of the dumplings "baby" was born.

On this day, people will plug in AI, dragon boat race. The Dragon Boat Festival is a magical, full of joy, full of lively Festival.



