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端午節的來歷50字作文 篇一

The Dragon Boat Festival is said to eat rice dumplings and dragon boat race is to commemorate Qu Yuan, so after the liberation had Dragon Boat Festival named "poet's Day", to commemorate Qu Yuan. As for hanging calamus, Artemsia argyi, smoked herb, angelica, drink realgar Yellow Wine, purportedly to ward off evil spirits. "Chinese Dragon Boat Festival" is one of the national legal holidays, and is listed in the world intangible cultural heritage. There are a large number of ancient poems, songs, Fu and other works.


端午節的.來歷50字作文 篇二

During the Warring States period, Chu Chu by doctor Qu Yuan besought to no avail, and threw himself into a river. Chu people cherish the memory of the honest and the doctor, so will the glutinous rice wrapped package into the river, want fish eating rice and do not eat Qu Yuan's corpse. The later generations continue as the tradition, and gradually evolved into the Dragon Boat Festival.


端午節的來歷50字作文 篇三

In ancient times, there was a doctor named Qu Yuan chu. Being chased by a country, in order to arouse patriotism of the people of the state of Chu, Qu Yuan at the expense of recording life, Qu Yuan jumped into the river to die to fight.

Sure enough, the people of the country to kill Qu Yuan defeated, the people in order to commemorate Qu Yuan, the May 5th as the Dragon Boat festival.

