1. 首頁
  2. 面試



1. applicant(a): excuse me. my name is amy lin.i have an appointment with mr.john zhu at ten.would you mind announcing me?


2. secretary (s) : yes, miss lin, mr. zhu is expecting you. go right in.


3.(a): have i the pleasure of speaking to mr.john zhu?


4.(z): yes, i am mr.zhu.miss lin, i have read your letter of application. you don''t seem to have any working experience.

(朱):是的,我就是朱先生。林小姐,我已經看過你的 求職信 了。你似乎沒有什麼工作經驗。

5.(a): yes and no. yes,i just left college and i don''t have any working experience. however, the rigid training at my college should make up for my lack of working experience.


6.(z): what do you expect for a starting salary?


7.(a): i''ll leave that to you,sir. i''m sure you know what is best for me.

(求):由閣下決定好了。我肯定您知道什麼對我是最適合的。 "

8.(z): miss lin, are you married?


9.(a): i can''t say i am.i don''t even have a steady boy friend.


10.(z):what are your future plans, if you don''t mind my asking.


11.(a) :i''m a doer,not a day dreamer.


12.(z):okey, miss lin,we will let you know.


13.(a):thank you,sir for giving me the time.i hope to see you again and soon.


注:1.句1中,"excuse me."不是做錯事的'對不起,而是一句開場白。請人家通報你來了,不要用"please tell him i am here。",這是比較俗氣的用法,應該用"would you mind…"來代替"please…";用"announce"代替"tell",這是比較高雅的語句。

2.要知道對方是不是某人,不可以用"are you mr.john zhu?",應用句3。

3. 面試 時,最重要的就是要表現你的機智和應對能力.一般的僱主一定會因為你沒有工作經驗而給你較少的月薪,此時就像句5,你一方面承認沒有工作經驗,一方面說明 學校的嚴格訓練可以彌補這項不足,藉此讓對方知道你是個機智的人。

4.句6.也是僱主必問的問題,並不容易答覆,若回答得多,人家不敢聘請;若回答少了又降低自己的身份,所以用本句作為答覆,是令對方高興自己又不吃 虧的最好法子。

5.句9.多數僱主都會同是否結婚。"若未婚,不要單用"no",一個字回答,應說"i can''t say i am.",比較能表現你的風趣和幽默。
