1. 首頁
  2. 面試





Q:Could you tell me your name and interview number? Q:你可以告訴我你的名字和麵試號碼嗎?

A:My name is Mary Chang, Number thirty-six.A:我的名字叫張瑪麗,號碼是36號。

2.簡短介紹(Brief Introduction)

Q:Please tell me something about yourself.Q:請介紹一下你自己好嗎?

A:I'm Andy Wang and I come from shanghai. I was born on October 3rd, 1979. Two years ago, I graduated from Tsinghua University. I majored in International Trade. I am very interested in travel and reading. A:我叫王安迪,來自上海,出生於一九七九年十月三日。兩年前我畢業於清華大學,主修國際貿易。我十分喜愛旅行和閱讀。

3.英文名字(English Name)

Q:Do you have an English name?Q:你有英文名字嗎?

A:Yes. My English name is Claire, C-L-A-I-R-E.A:有。我的英文名字是克萊兒,C-L-A-I-R-E。


Q:Claire, what do your parents do?Q:那麼,克萊兒,你的雙親是從事什麼工作的呢?

A:My father is a factory director of a technology company and my mother is a housewife.A:我父親是一家科技公司的廠長,而母親則是位家庭主婦。

5.兄弟姐妹(Brothers & Sisters)

Q:Do you have any brothers and sisters?Q:你有兄弟姐妹嗎?

A:Yes, I have one sister and one brother who are both college students.A:我有一個妹妹和一個弟弟,都還在唸大學。

6.性格(Personal Characteristic)

Q:What do you think of yourself?Q:你覺得自己是個怎麼樣的人?

A:As for my personality, I think I'm very honest and I have a strong sense of responsibility. In general, I'm very easygoing, but I get very serious and cautious when I work.A:性格方面,我覺得自己是一個坦誠和富有責任感的人。大體來說,我很隨和,但我在工作的.時候很認真也很小心謹慎。

7.婚姻狀況(Marital Status)

Q:Are you married?Q:你結婚了嗎?

A:No, I'm not married yet. I'm still single.A:不,我還沒結婚,目前仍是單身。

面試英語技巧二、精選佳句 Practical Sentence

☆May I introduce myself? 我可以自我介紹一下嗎?

☆Let me introduce myself. 讓我自我介紹一下。

☆Do you mind if I introduce myself? 讓我自我介紹一下好嗎?

☆I've lived in Beijeng for over twenty years. 我住在北京已經超過二十年了。

☆I was born in the year of rooster. 我是雞年生的。

☆I've graduated for three years. 我已經畢業三年了。

☆I am an economics major. 我主修經濟學。

☆I enjoy singing and dancing. 我喜愛唱歌和跳舞。

☆I'm a curious person, and I like to learn new things. 我是個充滿好奇心的人,喜歡學習新的事物。

☆I think I'm reasonably optimistic by nature. 我想我生性是相當樂觀的。

☆I'm quite hard-working, responsible, capable, and outgoing. 我覺得自己是個工作勤奮、負責、能幹,而且外向的人。

☆I'll be 26 next month. 我下個月就二十六歲了。

☆There are five persons in my family, including parents, one older brother, one younger sister, and myself. 我家中共有五個人,包括父母、一個哥哥、一個妹妹和我自己。

☆I'm very interested in learning new things very much. 我對於學習新的事物感到很有興趣。

☆I've married for two years and we have a baby boy. 我結婚兩年了,而且我們有一個兒子。

面試英語技巧三、活用句型 Sentence Pattern



例句一:The cloud disappeared.

主語 謂語


例句二:The child slept.

主語 謂語


例句三:I quit.

主語 謂語


四、必備詞彙 Vocabulary

☆ introduce v. 介紹

☆ interview n. 面試

☆ interviewer n. 接見者;採訪者

☆ candidate n. 求職應聘者

☆ graduate v. 畢業

☆ major v. 主修

☆ international adj. 國際的

☆ trade n. 貿易

☆ personality n. 個性;性格

☆ frank adj. 坦誠的

☆ responsibility n. 責任

五、面試小錦囊 Episode


Q1. Tell me about yourself.


Q2. How would a friend describe you?



I am self-confident and optimistic. When it comes to work, I always get the job done.Because I'd like to be thought of as someone who can be trusted.
