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哪一種職業加班的情況比較多? What Kind of Jobs use

關於哪一種職業加班的情況比較多? What Kind of Jobs use to Work Overtime?英語作文

在日常學習、工作和生活中,說到作文,大家肯定都不陌生吧,作文是經過人的思想考慮和語言組織,透過文字來表達一個主題意義的記敘方法。怎麼寫作文才能避免踩雷呢?以下是小編精心整理的'關於哪一種職業加班的情況比較多? What Kind of Jobs use to Work Overtime?英語作文,歡迎大家分享。

When it comes to overtime working, I believe many people will not happy but have experienced it before. Do you think what kind of job usually needs to work overtime? I think it is the career like, designer. When having task to design, they usually have to finish it in the arranging time. In most cases, the time is very limited. So, nearly every time they have new task, they have to work overtime. Sometimes they have to work over night. Of course, there are some people’s job property is similar to designer also need to work an extra shift. Thus, I think the people like designer will have more chances to work overtime.
