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1.breach n.違背

【商務用語】breach of arrestment 擅自處理已查封的財產

breach of duty 失職,翫忽職守

breach of faith 違約;失信

breach of trust 受託人違反信託約定;違約

【例句】Your company is in breach of the contract.


2.breakage n.破損;(艙內裝貨後的)剩餘的空位;損耗補償(款額)

【商務用語】breakage allowance 破損折扣

breakage clause 破碎險條款

3.breakeven adj.無虧損的 n.收支平衡

【商務英語】breakeven point 盈虧平衡點,平衡轉效點

breakeven weight growth 無損耗的重量增長

4.bridging n.橋接,跨接

【商務用語】bridging loan 過渡性貨款

bridging loss 橋接損耗

bridging telephone 並聯電話,同線電話

5.brisk adj.敏銳的`,活潑的 vt.使活潑 vi.活潑起來

【商務用語】brisk sales 銷路暢旺

brisk market 景氣的市場

brisk trade 貿易繁榮,交易活躍

【例句】The market brisked up.


6.broadband n.寬頻

【商務用語】broadband communications 寬頻帶通訊

7.broker n.掮客,經紀人

【商務用語】arbitrage broker 套利掮客

authorized broker 核准經紀人

bill broker 票據經紀人

chartering broker 租船經紀人

broker agent 經紀人兼代理人

8.brokerage n.經紀人業務;經紀費;回扣,佣金

【商務用語】exchange brokerage 交易所經紀人費用

stock brokerage 證券經紀業,股票經紀業

brokerage charge 佣金費用

brokerage fee 經紀人佣金

brokerage lease 經紀租賃

9.bubble n.泡沫,高風險投資

【商務用語】bubble data 泡沫資料

10.buffer n.緩衝的人或物

【商務用語】buffer fund 緩衝基金,平準基金

11.built-in adj.內建的,嵌入的;必要的;固有的 n.內建

【商務用語】a built-in escape clause 必要性的免責條款

12.bulky adj.大的,笨重的

【商務用語】a bulky cargo 體積龐大的貨物

bulky goods 笨重貨物

bulky product 笨重的商品

bulky parcel 大體積包裹

13.bundle n.捆紮裝 vt.捆,束

【商務用語】bundle carrier 禾捆積運器

bundle loader 禾運裝卸機

14.burglar n.夜賊

【相關片語】burglar alarm 防盜警報器

15.buyout n.全部收買;全部買下(市上產品)

【例句】If the workers do approve the buyout, their company will become the nations largest employee-owned enterprise.

16.cable n.電纜;海底電報

【商務用語】cable address 電報掛號

cable advice 電報通知

【例句】We have already advised you by cable.


17.cafeteria n.自助餐廳

【例句】This cafeteria serves good honest food.


18.cannibalize v.拆用配件;調補人員

【例句】It becomes necessary to cannibalize unsuccessful projects to fund those which can proceed.


19.canvass vi.招徠顧客

【商務用語】canvass for subscriptions 招徠訂貨

20.capital n.資本,資金,資產

【商務用語】 accumulated capital 積累的資本

active capital 流動資本

actual capital 現實資本

additional paid-in capital 附加實繳股本

【例句】The Smit

h Company has a capital of $30,000.
