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Chinese traditional festivals are rich and colorful, with a vibrant spring festival and a mid autumn festival full of autumn But I like Dragon Boat Festival best. There is also a touching story about Dragon Boat Festival!


During the Warring States period, in order to unify China, please send troops to the state of Chu to attack, but they cannot attack. So he pretended to send a letter of peace, and King Huai of Chu planned to sign it. This is Qu Yuan, a patriotic poet. He was a minister who stopped King Huai of Chu. He was accused by King Chu and other officials and was demoted to his hometown. On the fifth day of May, King Huai of Chu was killed by the state of Qin, and the state of Chu was destroyed. When Qu Yuan heard the news, he was full of mixed feelings. Finally, holding a stone, he jumped into the Chu River and committed suicide. This is the fifth day of may in the lunar calendar.


Later, Qu Yuan's patriotism moved the people. On the day when Qu Yuan threw himself into the river, they all went to the edge of the Chu River. In order not to let the fish and shrimps in the river eat Qu Yuan, they threw rice into the river and not let Qu Yuan hold a knife. On that day, they took a small boat to fight Qu Yuan's body. Later, the Dragon Boat Festival Customs of dragon boat racing, eating zongzi, drinking realgar wine and hanging wormwood appeared.


In traditional Chinese festivals, there are not only Dragon Boat Festival, but also many festivals worth exploring. Qu Yuan's patriotic spirit is worth learning.