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外企白領口語速查速說 Unit 3日常辦公室用語 09


work overtime =work extra hours

A: I have to work overtime today.

B: Lots of work,huh?


overtime pay

A: Do we get overtime pay?

B: Yes,it?s 1.5 times for workday overtime,and 2 times for weekends.


request for overtime

A: I just submitted a request for overtime.

B: I?ll have a look and see if it is necessary.


overtime meals

A: How about overtime meals?

B: You can call this number to order a meal,

or you can go out for a meal and report the expense.


take off later

A: I have worked overtime for these weekends.

B: You can take some time off later.


work overtime regularly/on a regular basis

A: I work overtime regularly.

B: Really? Don?t you get very tired after a while?

A: I?ve been accustomed to it.

B: How often does it happen?

A: Almost once a week.


I already have plans/arrangements.

A: Sally,can you work late this evening?

B: Why? I don?t understand.

A: There?s some extra work that has to be done today.

B: You mean to work overtime? I?m sorry but I already have plans.


work overtime to get it done

A: Can you finish it today?

B: No way,I have to work overtime to get it done.


leave it for tomorrow

=put it off until tomorrow

A: I need to finish the project tonight before I go to bed.

B: Why don?t you leave it for tomorrow?

A: Today is the deadline.


stay up

A: Let?s get it done even if we have to stay up all night.

B: I?m game.


work overtime for days

A: You look worn out today.

B: Yes,I feel miserable when I work overtime for days.


work round?the?clock

A: Your office staff seems so busy.

B: You?re right,we work round?the?clock every day.


keep working =keep on with my work

A: Though I?m very tired every day,I will keep working till the project is done.

B: Good job!You can take a long break when it?s done.


I?m so busy that I think I?m going to die.

=I?m so busy that I could die.

A: I?m so busy that I think I?m going to die.

B: We are all in the same boat.


I?m exhausted.

=I?m too tired to stand up.

A: Oh,my God,I?m exhausted.

B: It?ll soon be over,this is the last one.


slow down =take it easy

A: Slow down!Don?t work yourself to death.

B: You?re quite right.Health is the most important.


I really can?t (afford to) work overtime.

A: Excuse me,Mr.Wang.I really can?t work overtime.

Because my father has been ill recently,I must take care of him.

B: I?m sorry to hear that.Take good care of your father then.


I wish I didn?t have to work overtime.

A: I wish I didn?t have to work overtime.

B: Can?t you refuse to do so?

A: No,I can?t.The task is urgent.


I?ll find another one to replace you.

A: Miss Liu,I hope you can come to work this Saturday.

B: Why? Did I make any mistake?

A: No,it?s not you.Just some extra work.

B: Then I can only say sorry.I already have plans.

A: All right.I?ll find another one to replace you.


I?ve logged in 20 hours of overtime!

A: I?m too tired now.I?ve logged in 20 hours of overtime!

B: Wow!Why so much? I thought they were getting you an assistant.

A: They were supposed to,but so far nobody?s turned up,

and I?m left on my own to do the work.

B: You need to rest.Why don?t you ask for some time off?


Can you handle that?

= Can your health afford that?

A: Hi, King,haven?t seen you for days.What have you been doing?

B: Nothing important.I?ve been working overtime lately.That?s all.

A: How many hours do you work each day now?

B: 15 hours or so.

A: That?s tough indeed!Can you handle that?


have to work late for mistake

A: Miss Yang,your report is a total mess.The statistics are all wrong!

Why can?t you carefully check them after finishing the report?

B: I should have.I?m sorry,Mr.Blake.

A: I?m afraid you?ll have to work late this evening for your mistake.It has to be done today.