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  2. 藝術



good morning, dear teachers, boys and girls. i’m miss zhang. nice to meet you!


yes, you are so clever.


請大家跟我往這邊看,who can read it? “colorful english, wonderful show.”(老師教讀)

so, boys and girls, are you happy/excited?(注意煽動情緒)

ok now, let’s warmly welcome our vice-principle, mr. yang to make the opening speech. let’s welcome. (謝謝楊校的致辭)

thank you-mr. yang. tank you so much.

孩子們,現在,你們是不是非常期待這次英語藝術節呢?接下來有請英語教研組組長樊小麗老師介紹本次活動議程,大家歡迎。so, let’s welcome the group leader in english teaching, miss fan, introduce the related affairs. let’s clap. (樊老師介紹本次活動月議程) 再次感謝樊老師, thank you – miss fan

下面我們來聽一首歌曲,你還記得嗎?沒錯,是我們上一屆英語藝術節的主題曲。“our school will shine today.”now, boys and girls, let’s listen, sing and dance with music.孩子們,讓我們跟著音樂盡情載歌載舞吧!ready? go!


boys and girls, you are so good today. you are super. let’s do together.“oh, oh, super. 1,2, go!”

英語節是同學們展示英語才華的節日,也是老師們收穫喜悅的節日,它是我們師生共同成長的節日。讓我們一起用愛擁抱英語節,用英語表達情感,在英語的世界裡收穫快樂吧!請大家再次跟我重申本次英語活動月主題“colorful english, wonderful life!”最後,讓我們以一首“waving flag.”吹響英語藝術節的號角。boys and girls, please sing and dance following the music. are you ready? ready, go!

(6.4班歌舞表演”waving flag”)

再次感謝6.4班的孩子們,thank you again. that’s all for today.



see you next time!
