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xxx 年7 月 20 日,我正式以一個新人的面孔朝氣蓬勃的來到江蘇省溧陽市眾  誠會計師事務所所長的面前,開始了我為期一個月的實習。所長順利的同意了我的  實習要求,並對我說:“在我們事務所,你一定能夠學到不少東西,好好幹!”簡  短的一句話,給了原本對實際的工作還有些茫然的我很大鼓勵。


易,需要細心跟耐心。其實會計憑證的填制並不難,難的是分清哪些原始憑證,就  是各種各樣五花八門的發票。我除了公共汽車票外一個也不認識,什麼機打發票,  手寫發票,商業,餐飲,更別說支票和銀行進帳單了。連寫著禮品的發票我也不知  道怎麼走賬。想像平時我們學習的都是文字敘述的題,然後就寫出分錄,和實際工  作有著天壤之別。大家都很忙,一天做幾家帳,沒有人有時間交我辨認,於是我就  去圖書館找這方面的書,找到一本《發票知識問答》,看完以後,再區分那些票據,  思路清晰多了,後來我自己也練習了登記帳憑證,做完後讓前輩們幫我訂正,幾天  下來,我的業務熟練了許多。

制好憑證就進入學習記帳程式了。雖然說記帳看上去像小學生都會做的事,可  重複量如此大的工作如果沒有一定的耐心和細心是很難勝任的。因為一旦出錯並不  是隨便用筆塗了或是用橡皮檫塗了就算了,每一個步驟會計制度都是有嚴格的要求  的。例如寫錯數字就要用紅筆劃橫線,再蓋上責任人的章,才能作廢。而寫錯摘要  欄,則可以用藍筆劃橫線並在旁邊寫上正確的摘要,平常我們寫字總覺得寫正中點  好看,可摘要卻不行,一定要靠左寫起不能空格,這樣做是為了防止摘要欄被人任  意篡改。對於數字的書寫也有嚴格要求,字跡一定要清晰清秀,按格填寫,不能東  倒西歪的。並且記帳時要清楚每一個明細分錄及總帳名稱,不能亂寫,否則總賬的  借貸的就不能結平了。如此繁瑣的程式讓我不敢有丁點馬虎,這並不是做作業時或  考試時出錯了就扣分而已,這是關乎一個企業的帳務,是一個企業以後制定發展計  劃的依據。所有的帳記好了,接下來就結帳,每一帳頁要結一次,每個月也要結一  次,所謂月清月結就是這個意思,結帳最麻煩的就是結算期間費用和稅費了,按計  算機都按到手痠,而且一不留神就會出錯,要複查兩三次才行。一開始我掌握了計  算公式就以為按計算機這樣的小事就不在話下了,可就是因為粗心大意反而算錯了  不少資料,好在朱會計教我先用鉛筆寫資料,否則真不知道要把帳本塗改成什麼樣  子。

曾有幾次想過要放棄。也許我是剛開始工作,有時受不了前輩和同事給的“氣”,  自己心裡很不舒服,就想再重新換個工作得了。但靜下心來仔細想想,再換個工作  也是的,在別人手底下工作不都是這樣麼,想著找工作也不是件容易的事情?就慢  慢的堅持下來了。剛開始。就應該踏踏實實的幹好自己的工作,畢竟又沒有工作經  驗,現在有機會了就要從各方面鍛鍊自己。不然,想念以後幹什麼都會幹不好的。

現在的工作,相比其他人來說也不是很難,畢竟自己還是熟悉了這裡的一切,也不  是和其他人比,工作也不是很難,很容易進入工作,關鍵是學習對人怎麼說話、態  度及其處事。由於經驗少,我現在這方面還有欠缺。現在才明白,在校做一名學生,  是多麼的好啊!早晚要工作,早晚要步入社會,早晚要面對這些避免不了的事。所  以,現在我很珍惜學習的機會,多學一點總比沒有學的好,花同樣的時間,還不如  多學,對以後擇業會有很大的幫助。再說回來,在工作中,互相諒解使我很感激他們。

每天在規定的時間上下班,上班期間要認真準時地完成自己的工作任務,不能  草率敷衍了事。每日重複單調繁瑣的工作,時間久了容易厭倦。顯得枯燥乏味。但是工作簡單也不能馬虎,你一個小小的錯誤可能會給事務所帶來巨大的麻煩或損  失,還是得認真完成。



1、作為一個會計人員,工作中一定要就具有良好的專業素質,職業操守以及  敬業態度。會計部門作為現代企業管理的核心機構,對其從業人員,一定要有很高  的素質要求。

從知識上講,會計工作是一門專業性很強的工作,從業人員只有不斷地學習才  能跟上企業發展的步伐,要不斷地充實自己,掌握最新的會計準則,稅法細則,法  律知識及攻關經濟動態。這樣才能精通自己的工作內容,對企業的發展方向作出正  確的判斷,給企業的生產與流通制定出良好的財務計劃,為企業和社會創造更多的  財富。

從道德素質講,會計工作的特殊性使其可接觸到大量的共有財產,所以作為會  計人員一定要把握好自己辦事的尺度。如何挽救道德的缺失,將個人素質提高到一  個新的層面上來,是我們每一個會計人員都要努力思考的問題。只有會計人員自身  的道德素質提高,才能夠走好職業生涯的每一步,只有會計人員全體道德素質提高,  會計行業才能夠得到更深的發展,市場經濟的優勢才能夠發揮得更好。


This summer holiday was lucky to go to zhejiang yongde accounting office for two weeks, during the period of hard work, but learned a lot of practical knowledge.

During this short two-week internship, I completed the following internship work arranged by the company: 1. Understand the organization of the accountant's affairs, personnel responsibilities and basic business. 2. Familiar with the operation process of various accounting business, industry standard, and assist accountant to complete various business. 3. Cooperate with staff to complete all kinds of office work.

The company has an audit of one and two, and several of our interns are assigned to a job. Now I will summarize the internship according to the internship time:

First morning 8:00 officially reported to the company, followed by teacher wang, director of the accountant is responsible for the audit business to to practice of three people at a meeting at the same time, about the specific situation of the accounting firm is introduced, mainly is the company's development history, set up agency personnel, business scope and current operating conditions, etc., as well as the questions asked by the interns do we explain that. Finally, made clear the main tasks during our internship, and put forward the requirements and expectations, encourage everyone to study hard in the new environment, work hard and strive for something during the internship. We also assigned a master to each of us, and I was with Mr. Zhu. .

Start two days, familiarize yourself with the situation in the office, and help complete the daily affairs of the office. A day free time read the working papers of the audit and audit report, your familiar with general process of the audit and should pay attention to some things, and understand the recent accounting policy, from the macro economic, accounting, securities, law and so on aspects to understand, these are often used in the future work of laws and regulations and provide us with a good opportunity to learn, we get the first hand information industry.

Starting from the second Monday, I began to enter the actual practice of auditing business, mainly to do some test work under the guidance of the teacher, and help to complete the work paper. At first, when I was unfamiliar, I began to look at the various materials provided by my clients, including certificates, general ledger, detailed accounts, fixed assets list and so on. And then begin to enter credentials selectiving examination work, start the teacher write the content of the need to spot check and project documents, we are only responsible for find proof whether conform to, especially those involving large spending programs, and involves tax depreciation project project. The teacher said that checking the voucher work was a crucial procedure in the audit process, and many problems were found and exposed on the basis of smoking. . After we became familiar with the principles and methods of spot check vouchers, we completed the random inspection work independently. In the process, there will be some problems, such as the certificate number is not consistent, the original certificate is incomplete and so on. After the teacher has confirmed the instruction, we will write our Suggestions. Although it is not difficult to check the voucher, I have a deep understanding of the comparison and the responsibility.

On the third day, Mr. Zhu was going to work in the field, to be audited by rongsheng pharmaceutical co., a pharmaceutical company in beilun. I went along, too. The business is specific: a pharmaceutical company in the ninghai company will acquire the rongsheng biotechnology co., ltd. of beilun, which requires us to make a comprehensive audit of rongsheng company for five years. Later with the enterprise's new boss conversation, they two enterprises in the contract is this: acquisition by acquirers said their assets is 16.45 million, assessed if less than this number, the buyer is about to compensate some money to compensate for the acquirer. Knowing this, we began to work. Teacher assigned two other the teacher elder sister a first job (they should be the teacher's assistant), just to tell me about my work, good surprise at that time, actually I also have something to do, thought he would let me have a look at the edge. He asked me to take stock of bank deposits and monetary funds. Today's written inventory is the main book. We're going to do it from 01 to 05. Starting from 01, when enterprises has just started, the business is not the most, I turned over the bank journal, found that their strange how the purchase of computers or notes for projects under construction, ask Mr Zhu, he said that time should enterprises haven't put into production, first projects under construction, to put into production at once again to the fixed assets, can do it? The book doesn't seem to say so, but the teacher says it's a lot to do. I think maybe that's the difference between theory and practice. On Thursday, I finish my work at the site yesterday at the firm to assist the follow-up work, organize to complete the work papers and complete audit report writing, and a binder, until into the hands of customers, have a kind of said not to come out feeling in the heart, because it contains his own work, contains its own efforts, it contains its own sense of accomplishment.

There's not a lot of business in the next two days. It's a slow season after all. Therefore, we organized some documents of the office, and we knew that the audit's archives management had high requirements. Mr. Wang, the director of the office, led our three interns to do some filing work. We have reorganized the files for the last two or three years and have them numbered in order. In addition, the teacher taught us holding the document binding method, a few people together to practice, from ordering, drilling, threading until the last of the paste, number, finally able to report a fall scattered papers into a complete report file and neatly. It is these seemingly simple and unintentional work that our students can't do well without exercise, and these jobs are the most basic in the future. So although tired, we were very happy.

So I am in zhejiang yong DE accounting firm for two weeks practice life ended, although time is short, but the content is rich, full contact with the general process and main working content of the audit. This has benefited me a lot.

Through this internship in the accounting firm, I learned a lot before graduation, and many textbooks have nothing to do after work. Also an understanding of the firm's main responsibilities, body composition, learned something necessary office processing, understand the recent accounting policies and regulations, and gradually familiar with the process and key steps of the audit business.

When I first arrived at the office, I felt nervous in the face of such an unfamiliar environment, so I took care of everything. But the enthusiasm and friendliness of the office colleagues made me feel a warmth, because I removed that layer and began to treat the office as a part of my life and like to work.

When I went to beilun field, although I didn't do any substantive work, I at least learned how to deal with the fixed assets, goods and so on. I learn the credentials of different types of enterprises, including the difference between the two, and the textbook theory. These are not something I can learn from textbooks alone.

Of course, there are some deficiencies in this internship. First, the internship time is short, two weeks is not enough to have a complete understanding of all the business of the firm, and the audit business is also a little bit of dabble, not to have access to more business types; Second, the