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Looking for Mr. or Ms. Right

Are you looking for that special someone in your life? Business owners always are not for their love life but for the life of their business. For employers, filling vacancies within their business can be one of the most difficult obstacles to overcome. However, there are some steps that can be taken in order to simplify this task.

The first step, as always, is planning. As an employer, you must look at your business and assess two things: the job description and the job specifications. Both must be clearly defined and drawn up.

A job description is a list of all the duties, responsibilities, and work conditions that you think accurately define a position. Job specification are the general qualifications --- such as education level and work experience --- that you think are necessary for the job.

Once these are decided upon, you are ready to recruit. Smart bosses know that employee referrals, whereby an employee recommends somebody for an available position, can be the best source of good applicants. Many companies find that employment agencies are a particularly useful source of temporary labor. However, running a classified ad in the newspaper is till one of the most popular ways to recruit full-time staff.

After having advertised an opening, you should have, a number of applicants from which to make a careful selection. The first stage of selection consists of weeding out the job seekers whose experience, past performance, or qualification are simply not adequate. Remaining applicants should then be invited for an interview, in which their character can be better assessed.

Once you have selected the right person for the job, you need to train the new employee. That means showing him or her how to perform the job properly and efficiently. Most business owners believe that experience is the best teacher. That is why they use on-the-job training, or OJT. OJT is simple: The owner,or another qualified employee, teaches new employees the job as they work. This is considered the commonest form of training and one of the most effective.

There is no easy or surefire way to fill vacancies. But planning, recruiting, selecting, and training are four steps that you can take to make the process easier and more efficient. They comprise a useful method for finding you Mr. Or Ms. Right.







